Thursday, November 5, 2015

New Star Wars Trailer Brings Out the Racist Trolls

The new Star Wars trailer is out, and, because I am a person under the age of 70, you are very safe in assuming that I am a huge fan, and very happy about this new glimpse into my favorite fictional universe. But not everybody is as happy about the trailer as the legions of Star Wars fans are right now. And the unhappy ones are also racist as hell.

Sorry folks; because the world is an awful place filled with terrible people, while the rest of us were watching the trailer over and over (the damn thing got nearly 10 million views overnight and is still going strong) and giddily analyzing every moment frame by frame, there are a small number of very vocal people who decided it was this moment to spew awful, racist, anti-Semitic views on Twitter. This is why we can't have nice things.

Under the hashtag #BoycottStarWarsVII, certain Twitter users were claiming that The Force Awakens represents "anti-white propaganda" because it … has a black Stormtrooper? Is directed by a Jewish guy? Like most things racist, this makes absolutely no sense. Darth Vader was voiced by a black man. Lando Calrissian was, you know, the guy who blew up the second Death Star. Samuel L. Jackson was Mace Windu. And oh, hey, here's a topical tweet as well:

This isn't even all that new: Actor John Boyega, who plays Finn, one of the leads in The Force Awakens, has been battered by racists complaints since his casting was first announced, which he reacted to in the best way possible.

Happily, when you look up the actual hashtag on Twitter, most of the tweets are incredulity over it rather than actual racism, though there is still too much of that. Here are a few choice ones:

There's also the theory that this is just a small number of trolls trying to get a rise out of the Twitter-verse and the mainstream media, and that they don't actually believe the hate they are spewing, they just like offending people. The thing is that at a certain point, after you've published racist caricatures and memes about how the Jews control all the world's media, your intentions don't really matter. No one cares if you are a racist in your heart or not, because your actions are racist, and racist actions are kinda the thing that racists do.

Either/or, racist idiots tend to have short attention spans, so this whole thing will probably die down as the people supporting that stupid hashtag move on to other things, like complaining about how the other lead is a woman or something. Wait, we probably shouldn't give them any more ideas. Anyway, here's the absurdity of the whole thing summed up:

View the original article here

Original source: New Star Wars Trailer Brings Out the Racist Trolls.

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