Thursday, July 2, 2015

10 Ways to React to and Fix a Bad Social Media Experience

Fix a Bad Social Media Experience

The Internet is an amazing place, with excellent tools like social media to help improve your business. However, along with its amazing aspects, the Internet, and social media, can become negative for many due to comments, bad reviews, and even a few of those unwarranted creatures known as Internet trolls.

Just how should you handle and fix a bad social media experience? I am here to give you some powerful tips to take with you, helping you resolve problems before they grow too large.

Negative Social Media Experiences Happen to Everyone

Social media provides us all with the chance to connect with a wide audience, and when you are connected to a lot of people, bad things will happen. A negative social media experience will happen at some point for every person and business. When it happens to you, don't worry. This is just something that is bound to happen with social media no matter who you are. People like upset clients will always find a way to vocalize something negative, but what happens after the negative comment is what really matters.

10 Excellent Ways to React and Fix a Bad Social Media Experience

As I said above, what happens after the negative comment is what matters for a business. That negative comment and problem might cause some clients to raise their eyebrows and wonder. However, your treatment of the negative comment is what can convince clients to stay or convince them to leave your company in the dust. I want to take a look at how you can react to and fix a bad social media experience, benefiting you, your company, and your clients.

1. Take a Deep Breath and Think Before Reacting. One of the first things you need to do when you get a negative comment or have a bad experience is take a step back, take a deep breath, and think before reacting. This will help make the following tips easier to follow and help you have a great reaction and eventually come to an idea of how to fix the problem.

2. Respond to the Complaint Professionally and Maturely. When you take the time to breathe and think, you are giving yourself the chance to answer professionally and maturely. You don't want to answer snappishly or immaturely because this can reflect very negatively on your business as a whole. When you respond in a professional, mature manner, you stand a greater chance of helping the client who is complaining and showcasing your brand in a very positive light. If you need to, take a few hours before responding to ensure you don't respond out of emotion.

3. Take Some Time to Know if You Should Delete or Not. Some negative comments or reactions should be left up so that it doesn't look like you're trying to hide something. However, there might be times when you know you should delete a comment. Take some time to analyze what the person said and look into if it is something you should address publicly or if you should delete the comment and deal with it one-on-one with the person. A good way to decide if you should delete the comment is if there are a significant amount of curse words, anything that attacks someone personally, as well as anything that is racist or sexist.

4. Take the Responsibility and Acknowledge the Problem. Once you've decided if the comment should be allowed to stay up or if you delete it, you should then acknowledge the problem. You can do this publicly or to the individual who left the negative comment personally. In addition, depending on what the person said, you should take at least some portion of the responsibility, even if it seems like complete customer-error. For example, if someone says that your product is terrible and caused them to lose important documentation, apologize for it and take responsibility. You can then talk with the person to learn more about what happened and work to help make their experience better.

5. Create a Post Approval Process to Capture Problems Quickly. Depending on the social channel, you might be able to have an approval process for posts. While this won't happen on all channels or on every aspect of a channel, you can still work to make sure that you approve comments before they get out into the wilds of the Internet. This will help you be able to stop various troll-like comments from going out while also helping you keep on top of problems, catching them quickly. You don't want to let a problem sit there and fester because that will only make it worse.

6. Take the Chance to Learn from the Feedback. According to Evan LePage from Hootsuite, reflecting on the negative experience and looking at feedback is a great way to learn for future problems. Use each and every aspect of a negative social media experience as a learning opportunity to help improve your business, social media experience, and client-business relations. There is always a lesson to be learned from a bad social media experience, so don't just address the problem and move on. Take the time to learn just what you should do and how your clients expect you to work with them when there is a problem.

7. Make Sure Your Community Knows You are Handling the Problem. When a negative experience happens, your social media community is likely to know quickly. This is why it can be problematic to delete a negative comment. If you delete a comment, you can explain why such as stating whether or not you have a comment policy that includes not allowing certain things such as profanities or personal attacks. No matter if you delete or not, make sure that you let your community know you are handling the problem. If it is a rather small negative experience, you can make a quick post to explain what you are doing. If you find that it is much larger, you can always write a blog about it and how you are handling or have handled it.

8. Blog or Talk About Your Experience to Help Others Learn. After the negative experience has come and gone, this is a great chance to help other businesses. Did you have a particularly rough experience? Then you should take the time to blog about it and talk about how you worked on a peaceful, decent resolution to the problem. This will help other businesses immensely, giving them tips on how to handle their own negative experiences and can help you reach out to more people within the industry. In addition, this can also serve a great example to your clients on just how you handle problems, showing that your business is one they can trust.

9. Keep Track of All Social Pages and Reviews. You need to make sure you keep track of all social media pages to stay on top of any problems that might arise. In addition, you should keep track of reviews on social media or various review apps. As Amanda DiSilvestro from Social Media Today says, you can't know about and respond to a problem if you aren't monitoring your reviews or social pages. When you monitor and keep track of everything, you will be able to respond to the problem quickly, and work to handle it in an excellent, professional manner.

10. Work with the Negative Commenter and Turn it Into a Positive. Working with a negative commenter can help lead you to a great, positive resolution that will benefit everyone involved. While this doesn't always happen, aiming for this can really help the situation and help you come back from a negative experience. Work with the commenter to know just what his or her problem is and look into just how you can address it. A great start is to not blame them immediately for any problems, and even if it is their fault, find a way to address that without pointing the proverbial finger. Make sure the commenter realizes that you don't just want to turn their negative review into something positive, however. Show him or her that you want to resolve the problem to benefit them. This can really help make the resolution positive instead of making the client feel like you're only trying to help so that you can help your business.

Handle Negative Comments With Dignity for a Powerful Social Presence

Handling a negative experience can be quite taxing for even the most well-adjusted individual. However, no matter how much it hurts or makes you angry, handle each experience with dignity to set your brand apart from others. It is rare to see a business handle problems with dignity when it comes to social media, and doing so can help make your brand a source of good in a pool of bad.

If you are looking for help crafting excellent social media content, then contact us at Express Writers. We can help you have an epic strategy – just look at all we provide and let us know if you have any questions!

View the original article here

Original source: 10 Ways to React to and Fix a Bad Social Media Experience.

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