Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Internet Marketing And The Integrity Of Belief

marketing,internet marketing,site promotion,website promotion

Article Body:

Marketing by its very nature demands that you have a firm and steady belief in the product you represent. You have to count the product as so valuable that it would make no sense to keep the product away from those who would most benefit from the product.

Obviously greed can be a motivator in marketing, but it will not be a sustainable motive. You may, in fact, need to hire others to help you market the product if your sole objective is the accumulation of wealth.

When you stop believing in a product you will also find a parallel decrease in your enthusiasm for marketing.

Why is belief in a product so important?

Primarily it has to do with the transference of trust. If you have built a reputation for integrity you will not be satisfied in selling a product that you do not believe has intrinsic value. For this type of business owner it may feel a bit like false advertising to attempt to sell a product you are not 100% sold on yourself.

When you can demonstrate a high level of belief in a product you issue a transferable statement of trust. You will be more passionate about how you present the product and you will have no reservations marketing that product to anyone. You will have absolutely no reason to be ashamed of the product or its ability to meet the needs of the consumer.

Some online business owners do not have that standard of belief so they must count on residual sales. They either market the product without a strong belief in the product or they simply allow the information to park on their section of cyberspace and wait for the occasional sale to come through.

I believe customers want to transfer a feeling of trust to a business they count as worthy of their gift. If, however, you don't believe in your product it can often shine through in what you don't say. It can be conveyed in a lack of enthusiasm.

The truth is when you find a product you can believe in and you move forward in expressing your enthusiasm for the product you may likely discover fewer customer service issues.

There will be those who use every play from the marketing handbook to get you to purchase a product, but don't mistake short-term hype with genuine belief in a product.

Take for instance two advertising salesmen, Randy and Garret. Garret was high pressure and often began his sales pitch with, "You know I only need one more sale to wrap this project up and I could really use your help." The problem was Garret used that line on every client he visited with and often oversold available advertising inventory. Randy, on the other hand, visited his clients and worked to understand their needs and how that might interact with what he was able to do with advertising.

Which kind of person would you rather buy from?

In the end word was spread about Garret's tactics and he saw sales plummet. He didn't believe in the product he was simply after the sale.

Randy spent many productive years in advertising sales because he believed in the product and he wanted the best for the customer. It was a matter of accumulated trust that made it possible for Randy to survive long-term in advertising.

That's the picture of what it is like for online business. Make sure you deal honestly with your customers, never over promise and always deliver on time or sooner.

Original source: Internet Marketing And The Integrity Of Belief.

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