Friday, September 26, 2014

Getting Visitors To Your Website.

Today I want to focus on getting visitors to your website; if you plan to be successful, you need to attract targeted visitors to your site. You may have a nice looking site with some great income opportunities on there, but if you can't get people to your site; you're wasting your time. I wasted some money on trying to figure this one out. There are tons of different ways to do it, but there are only a few that work. The one I fell for was one of those companies telling me they could get me 10,000 visitors to my site instantly. Well, they don't lie, but they aren't targeted visitors. I offer income opportunities for people who are looking to work from home; if I'm getting people visiting my site looking to buy new cars, I won't be successful. Here are the best ways to get targeted visitors to your site.

First you want to create a blog; a blog is great because you can just write your thoughts down and get people to come and read your ideas, thoughts or questions. Blogs attract visitors who are looking for what you have to say or offer. Plus writing a blog keeps your thoughts in order. This business is always changing; the more you jot things down, the better organized you will be. Once you start a blog; make sure you use a site that can ping your blog. Ping sites are great because they send your blog entry out to people all over the web.

The second way is by writing articles; writing articles is a very effective way to get people to your site; you also boost your ranking on major search engines like Google when you submit articles. When writing articles you have to contribute something; make the readers feel like they are learning something when they read what you have to say; even if they learn one thing you're helping them out. Another thing to remember when writing articles is the amount of articles you right. The more articles you write the more people will come back and see what you have to say. The more they come back the more they trust you; once they trust you, they may be willing to purchase something off of your site. I'm in the process of distributing 30 different articles to 75 different article submission sites. Guess what? If you don't feel like putting in the time and effort to do this, you probably won't be successful. If you feel like you need some help distributing your articles; there are programs out there that will distribute them for you.

The third way of getting targeted visitors is advertising your site on other people's sites who are offering the same opportunity you are; the opportunity doesn't have to be exactly the same, but relates to what you are selling in some way. Try to advertise on high traffic sites; it costs money to advertise on other people's sites; you don't want to spend money on advertising on someone's site, if they don't get a lot of visitors.

The fourth and hardest way to advertise and get targeted visitors is by placing ads on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are tons of people who use this method, it's very competitive. Before you try this; be sure to research thoroughly how each search engine works. You have to spend a good amount of money to be successful on major search engines. If you don't know what you're doing, you could loose $500 in one day. I can't stress the importance of researching this method before you get started. I hate seeing people with a great website get their rear ends kicked because they thought just throwing down a bunch of money could get them visitors. Believe me, there are some serious professionals out there; when you start using search engines to promote your site, you'll be competing against them. If you're not careful; they will chew you up and spit you out.

I hope I was able to help you out; it's tough out there. We need to learn from one another in order to better ourselves. Another thing to remember is; keep your mind open and don't be afraid to try new ideas. Working from home was a new idea one time; look where it's evolved to.

Original source: Getting Visitors To Your Website..

Get More Visitors To Your Website

Create A Mailing List
I listed this first because creating a mailing list or newsletter is probably the single most important thing you can do for your website. If you are going to go through all the work to get visitors to your site, why not turn them into repeat visitors. Generating traffic is very important, but creating a mailing list is critical if you want to keep your visitors.
An auto responder is a powerful tool that will allow you to automatically interact with your subscribers. When choosing an auto responder, there are several things to consider. First, do you want to do everything yourself, or is an auto responder service the way to go. Second, how many mailing lists can you create? Don't limit yourself. The ability to create several targeted mailing lists will increase your ability to generate maximum traffic and sales. Finally, how many messages can you have in the auto responder? You may want to automate a months worth of messages for your list.
NOTE: If you have an auto responder on your server, all mail will be sent from your server. If, for some reason, you are reported as a spammer, all mail from your domain may be blocked. I strongly recommend that you use an auto responder service to avoid this problem.

Create A Special Report – And Give It Away
A special report is generally longer than an article and shorter than an ebook. Create a special report on a specific topic that compliments your website. Announce your freebie every place you can. When visitors arrive to collect their freebie, make sure you get their email address.

Write Article And Submit Them For Reprint
For best results, write articles that relate to the topic of your site. Create a compelling byline that encourages readers to visit your site. Submit your article to all the major article directories. One thing that many people forget to do is check popular websites on their topic. Some of these may accept article submissions. Don't completely rely on the large article directories to get your article out there.
These are just a few of the ways to drive traffic to your website. By increasing the traffic to your website and keeping in contact with those visitors, your online business can only improve.

Original source: Get More Visitors To Your Website.

Free Web Site Traffic - 7 Ways

How many ways can you get free web site traffic? Who knows, but here are some to get you started. Hopefully there will be one or two ways here that you haven't yet tried.

1. Submit your web site to search engines. Don't wait for them to find you. You can automatically submit to 20 at You'll have to submit manually to Google (

2. Directories. Do a search for niche directories for the topic of your website. Just type in "directory + online games," or whatever your site is about. There are also many general directories that accept submissions for free. The primary value of directories is not direct traffic, however. It is the links that help your ranking (and therefore traffic) with the search engines.

3. Forums. A great source of traffic for some sites. Talk about things of interest to you, and get free traffic to your web site (always sign off with a link). You may want to link to subscription pages for newsletters or e-courses you offer, to get maximum repeat visits from the traffic.

4. Free classifieds. There are many places that you can advertise for free, although few of them seem to be of any value. Test a little, and go with the ones that deliver.

5. Exchange Links. Exchanging links with other web sites can get you free traffic in two ways: traffic from the site, and traffic from the search engines, because the link helps your ranking with them.

6. Give testimonials. Do you love an e-book or other online product? Tell the author, and let her know she can use your testimonial. Mention that you'd appreciate it if she left the link to your site (under your name) active. Good testimonials are valuable, and you've probably seen them with a name and link attached.

7. Write articles. A great way to generate free web site traffic. In fact, thats what this article is about, and I have to tell you that there are at least ten more ways to get free traffic in my newsletter. You may want to visit the site and sign up.

Original source: Free Web Site Traffic - 7 Ways.

Google Adsense Is Easy To Start But Not That Easy To Success If You Do Not Know How

You have heard or read about how easy you can earn or make online money through the integration of Google Adsense to you website. In fact, this is true, to add Google Adsense to your website is that easy, you just need to sign up a Google Adsense account and then add the small pieces of Google Adsense codes into your website; that's it, you can start earn money from Ad clicks.

In reality, this might happen to you and many of Adsense newbie:

"I have designed my website following the best guideline taught by many Adsense Gurus, why my website's impressions is still so low and click thru rate even lower. What's goes wrong? You ask with disappointment!" What has gone wrong? Yes, the root cause of low impressions to a website is always Traffic. Many Adsense marketers failed not because of their poor integration of Adsense to their website but because of fail to generate internet traffic to their website site.

If you website can generate 1000 or more internet traffic daily, integration of Adsense definitely will help you to earn a good money from Google. Adsense optimization will further increase the click thru rate and of course increase in your Adsense earning.

But, if your website site is new, not yet index by Google or you website has been on internet for some times and indexed by major search engines but is a PR0 (Page Rank 0) website, very likely not many internet surfers will know your website. There are millions of websites on internet, if your website can't be found, nobody will know you website, and regardless of how well your website is designed and optimized with Adsense, with no traffic, you gain nothing from it. Thus, to success in Adsense, internet traffic is the key.

The first thing you need to do after having an Adsense website is to make your website "Famous". You website will become "Famous" when Google think that your website is useful and many one-way links going to your website from other websites and internet surfers can find your website and visit it. A lot of efforts are needed to reach to this level.

Below are a few ways use by most of internet marketers to connect their website with internet surfers:

  • Press Announcement

    If your marketing budget is allowed, online press announcement is a good way to tell people about the existence of you website. Although free press release services are available, but Press Release service with fee always bring best result. And making press releases are a good way to generate quality one-way incoming links to your website. This will help in SEO (Search Engines Optimization) as well. This method may bring you instant internet traffic but cost you quite a lot of money.

  • Buy one-way links

    This might not be a good option because it normally cost you a lot, many services need monthly subscription fee.

  • Link Exchanges

    Exchange the links with websites which have related fields to your website. Unrelated link exchanges will not help much.

  • Discussion Forum

    Attend forums, post and reply messages on forum will get the forum members and forum's visitors to aware of your website. This method may need a lot of your time and efforts but the good thing is, It's Free.

  • Article Writing & Submission

    "Article" has been recognized as internet #1 marketing strategy; it is the cheapest way among the top effective internet traffic generation methods. Writing & submission of articles are free if you can do it yourself. As long as you write your articles and submit them to hundreds of article directories around the net in regular basis, internet traffic will be generated to your website for sure.

    But, you may have problem in writing an effective article which will drive the readers to click the links at your article and visit your website. Fortunately, there are many professional writers on the net who can provide the writing service for you. Use them if you need it.

    Another but, article submission to hundreds of article directories may be very time consuming and tiring if you do it manually. Fortunately, things always go easy with a service. There are many article submission services around to help you; it will cost you a few dollars to submit your article to hundreds of articles directories easily. Use the one which will provide you report on which article directories they submit it and report you with status on each submission.

In conclusion, to start an Adsense website is very easy, but to make it "Famous" and known by internet surfers will need a lot of efforts. The key success of an Adsense website site is Traffic. Traffic generation is equally important to Adsense optimization. Don't overlook it!

Original source: Google Adsense Is Easy To Start But Not That Easy To Success If You Do Not Know How.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Getting the most out of Manual Traffic Exchanges.

Manual traffic exchanges are a dime a dozen, or are they? I have met some people who say traffic exchanges really work, and some who feel that they are a waste of time. There is a science to using manual traffic exchanges, you need to do your homework.

There are many manual traffic exchanges that depend on bells and whistles to attract members, they have games to play, bonus credits for answering questions while surfing, (some of the questions are to discourage cheating and failure to answer them correctly can result in the suspension of you account). But first you need to know your target audience, most people who use traffic exchanges (manual and auto) are not looking to join your program or buy your product, they are looking for the same thing you are. How to get more traffic to my web page, they are looking for information. Information is what sells on traffic exchanges, information on how to get more traffic to their web pages.

So how does this help you if you are not selling information? The answer is splash pages. Use splash pages to collect leads, then develop a personel relationship with them and introduce them to your product or service.
Next you need to find the best traffic exchanges for you. Different people have success with different traffic exchanges even when they promote the same page. Why, this depends on a number of things. What time you surf, how often you surf etc.

So join a few traffic exchanges to surf, you will need a tabbed browser such as Firefox or Crazy Browser. Firefox is highly recommended because of the extra virus protection it provides, but some have had issues with it so if Firefox won't work for you try Crazy Browser.

Set your traffic exchanges up in groups according to their timer, timers run
anywhere from 10 to 60 seconds. The closer the timers the smoother your surfing will be. Try to surf no more than 5-8 traffic exchanges at a time 10 at the most and keep a look out for the same pages, many pages have the members name or even a photo on them. If you see the same page over and over one of two things are happening, one the member has put his/her page in the exchange more than once which is encouraged by some traffic exchanges or most likely you really are seeing the same page over and over.

In this case you don't want to waste your hard earned credits in this
traffic exchange. If in doubt see if the traffic exchange has a built-in hit ratio, this tells you what percentage your page(s) is being viewed by unique members each day. Some owners only care about the quanity of clicks and not the quaility of those clicks.

Set a certain time to surf, twice a day if possible and the amount of time you can alot to surfing each day. Surf each exchange about an hour each day, for instance if you have three hours to surf each day divide your traffic exchanges into three groups. Whatever time you can alot to surfing divide it up evenly.

You also have to track your pages to see which ones are working and which ones you need to change. If a page works in some exchanges and not in others, simply change the ones that are not working or remove them from the traffic echange that is isn't working in, always have an extra splash page ready to try in your traffic exchanges. And remember that the bigger the
exchange the more people see your page, but that don't always mean that it is the best exchange, I have got more signups from some of the smaller exchanges than the biggest ones.

So if you want more bang for your click, don't settle for bells and whistles, do your "Due Diligence" and select the best traffic exchange to suit your needs.

Original source: Getting the most out of Manual Traffic Exchanges..

How To Attract Targeted Traffic To Your Website

You may have the mentality required to succeed in any online business. You may have all the knowledge required to convert visitors to sales. You may have all the tools required to build your online business, including a unique and amazing website which could make lots of money for you and make your dreams come true. But one thing you need to know, all these would only happens if you understand how to attract visitors to your website.

Getting visitors to see your website is not so easy because there are competitors anywhere waiting to beat you. With all the websites competing among the internet, how would you be able to stand out?

Here are some tips to drive targeted visitors to your site:

1. Search Engines

The first thing you need do is to submit your website to search engines. search engine traffic is free and highly targeted, they should not be neglected by all means. Once a website is on the top position of the search result, it is easily accessible to anyone who wants to see it. In order to have a top search engine ranking, a proven way is by creating good link popularity, and optimizing your webpages for the right keywords.

2. Exchange Links

Another method to attract targeted visitors to your website is by exchanging links with other websites. You can search sites that are related to your site's main theme and then contact their webmasters for link exchanges. You can also join link exchange services to fasten and automate this process.

3. Writing Article

The third mean is by writing articles related to your website. This is an effective method in promoting a website,since high quality content are highly appreciated by readers, and this will lead them to visit the writer's website. Just add a resource box in your article, and introduce your website in the resource box. Then submit your articles to article directory. If you want others to submit articles for you, try "Article Marketer" here:

4. Joint Venture Marketing

The fourth way is through joint venture marketing. This is the most effective means of promoting any product or service. Arrange ad swap or link exchange with your JV partner is great to both parties since it allows both to reach a larger customer base in a very short period of time.

5. Start An Affiliate Program

Another way is by starting an affiliate program for your website. Having affiliates to promote your program brings tons of free traffic to your website. Successful affiliates will help you make lots of sales while you need not to pay a dime in advertising.

6. Build A List

Finally, You should have a list of subscribers so that you can refer products and service related to them easily. One common method is to write personalized newsletters. Another way is to write a short ecourse.

Traffic creating is very important in any online business. I hope the above tips can help you get more traffic to your website. To your online business success.

Original source: How To Attract Targeted Traffic To Your Website.

Get 900 plus oneway links for Free

Dear entrepeneur. Perhaps we partake in the same trouble.

We have a smashing internet site, but little or NO visitants. Now what is a internet site without traffic?

It's similar to an old volume lying full of junk which nobody uses anymore.

What we require is traffic and dozens of it. And would it not be swell if we can get it for FREE?

So what must we do more or less to get this FREE TRAFFIC? You know, theres lots of Article Directories circulated in cyberspace which give Article Authors the chance to post their articles there for free with a free oneway to their websites.

All you have to do is to register with these Content Directories, activate your account, create a penname and then add your articles. And this is precisely what I used to do. But let me tell you (not that you are not mindful of it), IT IS A boring undertaking. I mean, to contribute one Article to ALL these directories manually can demand days or even weeks of difficult work.

I marveled if there was'nt a computer program at hand which could aid me with this project and found rather a few article submitters available. The only trouble was that some Article Distributors was not free and those that were had some limitation (like it will post to only a certain number of article directories). You'll have to buy the full edition to get the most out of them.

Others could not post to the right Categories at the Article Directories ( it will post an article about cats under business for example). Now that is very unproductive.

So commenced my travel to attempt and create a program that could just do everything the others lacked.






















And guess what? I achieved it. And now I want to share it with you at absolutely NO COST.

Perhaps you imagine that you can't compose an Article? Let me tell you. YOU ARE incorrect!!!! I had

the same opinion at first, but what are you reading now? My article of course. You can write about anything under the sun.

You can even write an article about how you created your first website, or how you struggled to get traffic.

The sky is the boundary. Below you will find a link to my site "Super Article Submitter" where you can Auto-Post your articles in no time ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE!!!

One more thing. You are free to use this article on your website provided that it stays unchanged and the links in the resourcebox is live, search-engine friendly links.


Original source: Get 900 plus oneway links for Free.

How Do I Get Traffic To My Website Right Now?

Okay, I have my website built. Its beautiful! It has all of my adsense, yahoo publisher, affiliate program code in it or it has all of my products and services I provide in it, so what's next? Okay, let's wait. Checking my stats… nope, no one visited my website today. Maybe tomorrow.

After about a month of this, you start to wonder, "Why isn't my website getting any traffic?" "My website is better than all my competitors". "I have lower prices and better products". "Where is all the traffic that guy that designed my website said I was going to get?" "And that SEO Guru that charged me $1500, where is he now?"

Then you search the webmaster forums and they all tell you, "Be Patient, it takes time for the search engines to index your pages". They each give you different advice on how to get traffic for your website, but which of them do you listen to? And what if you don't want to be patient? What if you want traffic right now?

There are ways to get traffic to your website immediately. There are a lot of reasons why someone needs traffic right away, like testing out their sales pitch to see how well they are converting traffic into sales for there website. Or testing to see how many people per 100 will click on the contextual ads where you currently have them placed on your website.


One of the best ways to get traffic to your website right away is to buy that traffic. I am not talking about banner ads at the top of other people's pages that nobody clicks on. I'm not talking about emailing a thousand webmasters and begging them to trade links with you. I'm not talking about buying links on other webpages or submitting your link to link farms and spam pages where even if you did get traffic to your website, you still would not make any sales.

I'm talking about popunder traffic. If your website is fairly new you need to listen to this. It will take time for your webpages to get indexed by the search engines so that is not going to drive traffic to your website in a short period of time.

"If Mohammed cannot go to the mountain, then the mountain must come to Mohammed." In other words, until the search engines index your webpages or other websites begin to link to you, people cannot come to your website because they don't know where it is.

So you take the mountain to Mohammed. By purchasing popunder traffic, your webpage is displayed to as many people as you want. When they go to websites they already know about and know how to find, your website piggybacks that website they are visiting by popping up underneath the website they are viewing.

As soon as they close that page, they are now at your webpage. Now you have visitors and it's up to your websites design and conversion ability to turn those customers into sales.

When you buy this kind of traffic, its like throwing a switch. They can turn that traffic on in minutes. If you use a real-time stat counter you can see the number of visits to your website. You can also target the type of traffic you want for your website and you can choose what country you want the traffic to come from.

You want traffic to your website right now? Go get it!

Original source: How Do I Get Traffic To My Website Right Now?.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Generate free traffic to your website

The Best Way To Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic

If you have a website or you promote someone else's' website as an affiliate, you need to drive traffic to it.

Without traffic, you won't get visitors. And without visitors, you won't make money, sales, get subscribers, etc. What good is a website without any traffic? And if the site is getting traffic, what good is it if it's not targeted traffic?

There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, both free and paid. But we are not going to talk about paid traffic right now. That is a totally different topic and could take hours to cover.

So, back to free traffic. Some ways of getting free traffic to your site is by Search Engine Optimization, surfing for traffic, or getting it passively.

SEO takes time and a lot of work. When you join sites that are surf for traffic sites, you have to look at other members' sites in order to earn advertising credits for your site to be displayed when another member is surfing.

The only problem with this is that although the traffic is free, it is not targeted. Everyone who is a member only surfs for the credit and very rarely even looks at the site, they just minimize their window on their PC and multi-task. So, the traffic is crap and worthless.

Now, let's talk about the best way to get free targeted traffic. It's called Instant Buzz. Instant Buzz is a service that gives you advertising credits as you surf the web like you normally would. What you do is download the toolbar for free, it only takes a minute. Then, you set up your ads in the members area. And bam, you ads are being displayed on other members' tool bars as they surf.

You can also put Instant Buzz ads in emails that you send to your friends. These are called mail space ads. And your ad will get displayed in other members' emails. The last thing you can do is put a hyperspace ad on your website which will help you refer other members.

When you refer other members, you will also get a percentage of the credits they earn which will go towards your ad credits.

If someone likes your ad and is interested in what it says, then they click on it and end up on whatever site it was that you were promoting. Now that's targeted traffic! And it was free.

So make sure you visit the link in the resource box to start driving targeted and quality traffic to your website today. It will only take you a couple of minutes to start bringing visitors to your site.

Original source: Generate free traffic to your website.

Ezine Advertising–Simple Techniques to Drive Traffic to Your Site

The beauty of ezine advertising is that it's the most targeted form of advertising on the internet. If, for example, someone has subscribed to an ezine about fishing, then they are expressing a strong interest in fishing equipment, tips on improving their skills, travel packages, and an endless list of other possibilities.

This is why ezines are such a good choice. As long as your ad relates closely to the theme of the ezine, the person reading your ad is already halfway toward buying what you have to offer.

There are three types of ads that you can place in your chosen ezine: a classified ad, a sponsor ad, and/or a solo ad.

The classified ad is the smallest and least expensive. This three to five line ad is often run in a block with other classified ads, one on top of another, similar to a page of classified ads in your local newspaper. This contains just a brief description with an email or link to your web site. This costs a few dollars, generally about half the cost of a sponsor ad.

A sponsor ad is placed at the top of the ezine, often under a heading like: "Please support our sponsor." This ten to fifteen line ad will draw more attention since it is the first thing the reader sees when the email is opened. This is priced around twenty dollars.

The most effective, and naturally the most expensive, is the solo ad. This is not part of the ezine, but instead goes out as an email to everyone on the mailing list. The message is all about you and your product or service. This ad can be as long as 700 words, allowing you to go into great detail, and will cost in the neighborhood of forty to fifty dollars, about twice the cost of a sponsor ad. However, some of the larger ezines may ask for hundreds or even several thousand dollars for a solo ad.

Once you've written your ad and chosen an ezine, the best way to proceed is to think like an educator. The most effective teaching method is repetition. Experienced teachers will cover the same information in several different ways. They might lecture one day, followed by a reading assignment and discussion, and then an essay, all on the same topic.

Very few people learn something thoroughly the first time they see it. And few people respond to an ad the first time they see it. Since you are trying to educate and motivate your target audience, you want them to see your ad more than once.

This is best done by first running a solo ad, then running a sponsor ad in the next two or three issues of the same ezine. Finally, for the next five to seven issues run a classified ad. The readers will see your ad for many weeks and begin to understand the message and warm up to your offer. They need time to mull it over, compare products and prices, and decide if they really need it. Give them time, educate them, and they will buy.

Original source: Ezine Advertising–Simple Techniques to Drive Traffic to Your Site.

How I Learned To Get Free Web Traffic From A Proven Expert

In Jim Edwards "Turn Words Into Traffic" eBook he teaches you not only how to write articles professionally with out complicated knowledge but also how to turn those articles into traffic building opportunities. Instead of broad generalities on how to write articles that will benefit you, Jim shows you step by step directions on writing your articles that will interest your readers and publishers. This method steers traffic to your website without the guess work of relying on the search engines ever changing rules.

It clearly gives you the "know how" to systematically build a review article which will have you making money without any huge cash output. Although none of us will be able to write a polished article immediately by applying these steps, eventually it will become second nature and will greatly benefit your bottom line.

Every marketing Guru on the internet keeps praising the advantages of writing articles, but how exactly do you do this and why are articles so important? To answer that question, read Jim Edwards "Turn Words into Traffic", the most informative eBook I've found available to give you the pointers you need to know about writing articles. So why should you believe Jim Edwards? Mr. Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the author of several best selling eBooks, CD-ROMs, videos, numerous audio tapes, software packages and a newsletter with thousands of subscribers. He has used these techniques to attract tens of thousands of visitors to his various websites which generated substantial profits.

One of the most valuable points of "Turn Words Into Traffic" is that Jim doesn't' just explain how to use articles to boost your web traffic, he shows you in a step-by-step process, exactly how to do it. Instead of just extolling the virtues of writing articles, he immerses you in the technique involved to write professional and meaningful articles. The book not only explains why articles are so important but how to write and structure your article to maximize your web traffic which leads to earning money. Articles give webmasters fresh content to use on their websites, in their ezines or in their newsletters and bring you subtle publicity.

Jim Edwards's eBook is truly a concise map to writing articles that will not only draw traffic to your websites but will gain you a reputation as an expert in your chosen field. The book logically and easily pulls you through the process of writing an article that will get published.

By no means think that this will instantly make you a master article writer – it will take some practice. I had to read the book through three times before I "got" the entire message.

When I started out writing articles I kept thinking to myself, "This is lot harder than Jim let on" but if you carefully follow his steps it will become second nature to you sooner than you think.

The only thing that I would suggest that could improve this eBook is if Jim would elaborate on ways of setting up a simple article announcement site. I think all of us who are serious about incorporating articles into our marketing plan would benefit from this strategy. Just think, knowing how to set up our article announcement site would be a real plus, since information is the core of your business

As Jim says: "Wouldn't you rather have thousands of people send you two visitors per day than to depend on two or three sources sending you thousands of visitors per day"?

If you want to quickly learn to funnel new traffic to your websites without spending any cash on advertising, I give "Turn Words Into Traffic" a 9 out of a possible 10.

For more information on Jim Edwards eBook "Turn Words Into Traffic" please visit

Original source: How I Learned To Get Free Web Traffic From A Proven Expert.

Google is Not the Only Phone Company in Town!

If your sales depend only on Google traffic and Google adsense or adwords then you could be in for a big dissapointment. Constant search engine rankings can make or break you. I know. I've been there. Riding high on Google rankings then dropping like a 2 ton rock in the Altlantic ocean.

Do NOT put all your eggs in one basket. There are several other ways to drive traffic to your site and depending on just one, like Google, is just plain bad marketing efforts.

Yahoo, Yahoo's YPN, and other search engines along with pay-per-click programs can bring you extra traffic and maybe even more sales.

I currently have Google Adsense and Yahoo's YPN ads on my site and I can tell you right now that Yahoo's YPN is paying me THREE times the amount that Adsense is paying. Why? Not sure, because both ads are featured on the same based keywords. I divided pages up equally between Adsense ads and YPN ads and Yahoo is the "bigger Daddy".

"He who only puts one iron in the fire will not set the world alight"

Distribute your advertising in several different ways. Test, test, then test again. Optimize your pages for good content and keyword density and then let the search engines gobble that. DON'T optimize your pages for Google only. You might number 1 today and then number 378 as soon as they have their next algorythm change. Nothing they do is "personal", but it sure fells like it when they dig in your pocket after all the work you did to make THEM happy. What I don't understand is why Google is constantly changing except that it gives engineers something to do for those hefty paychecks. If it ain't broke, why fix it? Google is constantly "fixing" a well oiled machine.

The other day I was searching for business loans and the first few pages were all listings from the UK even though I was on the main search engine, and not the If I had wanted a loan, I had to search several pages deep to find on in the US.

Pay per click sites:

1. Yahoo! Search Marketing has a well organized system.

2. Miva distributes your keyword text ads throughout a distribution partner network.

3. GoClick no monthly fee, no startup fee, and low 1 cent CPC

4. 7Search results appear in over 35% of the top 150 search engines

5. Kanoodle has partnerships with sites CNET, DogPile, NetZero and more

6. Search123 sports some cool tools to help you control your pay-per-click budget.

There are MANY other search engines and advertising opportunities for you out there. Just look around to find them. After awhile you will see that Google is not the only phone company in town even though they act like it!

Original source: Google is Not the Only Phone Company in Town!.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Free Traffic - Seven Ways

Free traffic? The other day I saw that someone had been putting post-it stickers with the name of their website on bus stop benches and telephone poles. How many ways can you get free web site traffic? Who knows, but here are seven ways to get you started.

1. Online classified advertisements. Search "free advertising" or "free ads", and you'll find there are many places that you can advertise for free. Few of them seem to be of any value, but I have been using two that work well. Place a few ads, then check your reports to see if they are bringing in traffic. Start regularly using the ones that deliver.

2. Link exchanges. Link exchanges with other web sites help you get free traffic in two ways: traffic directly from the other site, and traffic from the search engines, because the link helps your ranking with them. Find sites that have a theme similar or related to yours, and send out nice e-mails suggesting an exchange.

3. Post in discussion forums. This can be a great source of traffic for some sites. You just talk about things of interest to you, and get free traffic to your web site (always sign off with a link to your site). If you link to subscription pages for newsletters or e-courses you offer, you'll get repeat visits from the traffic. Don't spam, or you'll be kicked out but true participation makes a relevant link okay in many forums.

4. Search engine submissions. Don't wait for search engines to find you. Automatically submit to 15 of them at You can also submit manually to Google ( Ultimately, search engines will be some of your primary sources of free traffic.

5. Submit to directories. First do a search for niche directories for the topic of your website. Type in "directory + online games," or whatever your site is about. Many general directories also accept submissions for free. The value of directories is not direct traffic, however (you won't get much). The value is in the links, which help your ranking (and therefore traffic) with the search engines.

6. Write and submit testimonials. If you love an e-book or other online product, tell the author, and let her know she can use your testimonial. Of course, mention that you'd appreciate it if she left the link to your site (under your name) active. Good testimonials are valuable, and you've probably seen them with a name and link attached.

7. Submit articles. This is one of the best ways to generate free web site traffic. In fact, it's why I wrote this. An article is valuable because of the "resource box," or "about the author box" at the bottom, where there is always a link. If I leave you intrigued, and wanting more, you might click through. This is a great way to generate free traffic.

Original source: Free Traffic - Seven Ways.

Establish Your Own Online Community To Increase Website Traffic

Research shows that many people love to use the web to communicate with other people around the world. Some people will use the web primarily to talk with family and friends, but most people enjoy talking to the complete strangers they meet via chat rooms or message forums. It was once unrealistic to think social bonds could be created this way, but today these communications are completely accepted. With more people using the web for this type of communication, website operators are beginning to utilize the "chat" trend.

The way website operators do this is by establishing their own online communities. They can do this in several ways. One way website operators can create online communities is by offering chat functions on their website. By creating chat rooms for visitors to utilize, website operators are subtly inviting visitors to return as frequently as they wish. Many visitors might come with the intention of making a short visit, but then may try the chat room out. If they enjoy their conversations with others there, it is likely they will return frequently to chat again. To make this work however, there will need to be someone in the room available to chat at most hours. You may have to assign people to take on this task at first, while the room's participants grow. After the room takes off however, the members will likely maintain it themselves.

Another way to build an online community on your site is by creating message boards for visitors to post on. Message boards are another popular way to get visitors to become part of your website's community. You can offer boards for general chat or for specific topics. You can incorporate your website's subject into the message boards as well. For instance, if your site was mostly about computers, you could offer a message board where visitors could post questions and get answers from experts and other visitors as well. This is a great way to get people to keep coming back to your site. Not only will people who post begin to rely on your site for information but they will likely also develop "relationships" with other posters and use your board as a place to communicate with them.

When setting your online community up, think about exactly what you want to do. If you are relying on the community to bring most of your traffic, you probably want to make it easy to access from your homepage. You might make it the largest link or the top link on the page. Use different colors and fonts to get the attention of those who visit your site. Making your site easy to navigate is a great way to get people to participate. The goal is to get the attention of your visitors. If you are placing a lot of emphasis on the online community function on your website, then they will be more likely to use it.

You can always offer a small chat area right on your homepage. This can be a great idea for those website operators who want to place the largest emphasis as possible on their online community function. It can however distract viewers from seeing other areas of your website, so be careful when setting your homepage up in this manner. The best thing to do is to create an easy link right to the chat or message area from the top half of your homepage. This allows the user to get right to the intended area.

With thousands of online users spending large amounts of time participating in online communities like chat rooms and message boards, it is logical to believe these functions would help increase traffic on any website. This is an easy and inexpensive way to draw traffic to your site and can be a lot of fun for everyone involved. If you think this may work for you, simply sit down and decide which method to use. Then choose the best plan for adding the online community to your actual site, whether it is on the homepage or a secondary page. Once everything gets rolling, you will be shocked at how effective establishing an online community can be for increasing your website traffic.

Original source: Establish Your Own Online Community To Increase Website Traffic.

Five Inexpensive Ways to Generate Targeted Website Traffic

When most people think of traffic, what comes to mind is usually paying for banners and text links. Let's look at some ways to drive free or inexpensive targeted website traffic.

There is one essential ingredient for generating income for any website: A steady flow of targeted website traffic. If no one goes to your site, it won't stand a chance of generating an income. It usually takes some money to maintain an income generating site; and the old saying is also true – takes money to make money.

Have you wondered how the huge portals drive traffic to their site? Most of them are spending tons of money to drive the traffic to their sites, investing in many advertising campaigns and different forms of marketing schemes and strategies.

BUT, it doesn't need to take a whole lot of cash to generate website traffic for your site.

Fortunately there are many ways to generate low cost website traffic without having to spend what you don't have or can't afford. Here you'll find five killer ways to generate low cost but targeted website traffic.

1. Exchange Links

Many webmasters are willing to exchange links with one another so that they could produce more exposure for their sites. You'll soon see and feel the sudden upsurge of the traffic coming in to your site from other sites.

A major prerequisite in exchanging links with other sites is having the same niche or content as the other site. They should share a common subject so that there is continuity in the providing of service and information to what interests your target traffic.

Exchanging links can also boost your chancs of getting a high ranking in some search engine results. It is common knowledge that some search engines ranks high sites that have inbound and outbound theme-related links. With a good ranking position in the search engines, you will generate more traffic in your website without the high costs.

2. Participate in Traffic Exchanges

This is like exchanging links but on a different higher level. This may cost a bit more than exchanging or trading links but could be made cheaper because you get to earn credits. You can use those credits when viewing others traffic, while you earn credits when someone views yours.

Traffic exchange services are the viewing of another's site or page. This is done vice versa where a site can use your sites contents and so can you to his or her site. You both benefit from each others efforts to generate traffic. The other sites visitors can go to your pages and know more about your site as well as theirs. Once again the public awareness of your sites existence is boosted.

3. Write and Submit Informative Articles

There are many e-zines and online encyclopedias in the internet which provides free space for articles to be submitted. If you want to save costs, you can do the articles yourself. There are many freelance writers who are willing to write for you for a small fee, but to save money, it is wise to do those articles yourself.

Write articles that are themed along with the niche of your site. Write something that you have expertise on so that when they read it, they can feel your knowledge about the subject and will be eager to go to your site. Write articles that produce tips and guidelines to the subject or niche your site has.

Include a resource box at the end of your article that can link them to your site. Write a little about yourself and your site. If you provide a light, information-laden and interesting article, they will go to your site for more.

4. Start Your Own Newsletter.

This may sound like hard work because of all the articles you may need to use to build a newsletter but on the contrary, this is not so. There are many writers and sites that are willing to provide free articles as long as they can get their name in on your newsletter. This will also provide free advertising for them as well.

As your newsletter grows in popularity, you can profit again and again form repeat loyal visitors.

5. Join Online Communities and Forums

This only requires your time and nothing else. You can share your knowledge and expertise with many online communities as well as your website. You can get free advertising when you go to forums that have the same subject or niche with your site.

Share your opinions and let them see how knowledgeable you are with the subject. As you build your reputation, you also build the reputation of your site, making it a reputable and honest business that could be frequented and trusted by many people.

As you can see targeted website traffic does not need to expensive to be effective. Using the above methods steadily and consistently will have a great effect on your sites profits over time.

Now you can understand why there's a growing interest in traffic. When people start looking for more information about traffic, you'll be in a position to meet their needs.

Original source: Five Inexpensive Ways to Generate Targeted Website Traffic.

Free Targeted Traffic - Get It Now!

Although it is much tougher to get targeted traffic to your site the odds that someone will buy your products will be much higher. On the other hand, if you can get enough non-targeted traffic to your site, even with a low percentage of sales, you can still increase your income by a similar amount.

Think about it. If you could get 100 highly-targeted visitors a day to your site and sell to 10% of those potential buyers, you would be making money. However, by attracting 1000 non-targeted visitors to your site each day and selling to only 1% of those viewers you would make the same number of sales. So the question becomes "which is easier to attract, targeted or non-targeted traffic?"

I don't think anyone would disagree with me when I say non-targeted traffic is much easier to get. One of the best and fastest ways to attract new visitors to your site is with autosurf programs. You can sign up with several paid autosurf sites and then almost immediately have hundreds of viewers looking at your site daily. And it is free to join many of these. No matter what you are selling a certain percentage of those viewers will in all likelihood be interested. You could be selling dog biscuits and at least a few of the 1000 visitors to your site will be interested.

Ideally you should attract targeted visitors to your site, and there are several good ways to do that. But while you are working hard to get good traffic to your site you may want to get others to visit too. After all, a few sales from low-quality visitors is better than no sales. While you are building up your targeted traffic you could also be getting non-targeted traffic for some extra sales. Why limit yourself to just one group of potential buyers?

If you are interested in quality traffic there are several methods that you might want to try. One of the best ways is with testimonials. There are two ways to benefit with testimonials. One, whenever you buy a product from someone else you can send them a testimonial that they can publish on their site. Internet marketers know that "testimonials sell products" and will many times love to add your testimonial to their site. A testimonial adds credibility and potential buyers are more likely to buy a product from someone that has lots of great testimonials. The trick here is to make sure you include a link to your site in your testimonial. When someone visits the other site and sees your testimonial they can click on the link to your site. Only people interested in what you are selling will come to your site …targeted traffic.

The second way to benefit from testimonials is to put some of them on your site. If you can get email addresses for the people buying from you it is a simple matter of mailing a request for a testimonial to them. You can put these testimonials on your site which will increase your credibility with shoppers, even with the non-targeted shoppers.

Writing articles is another way to promote your site and get targeted visitors at the same time. There are many popular free article directories on the web that you can submit your articles to. Other web masters often get articles from these directories and then add them to their own sites. All you have to do is write an interesting article (like this one) and then submit it to several article directories. Not only will these article sites publish your article on their site (with links to your site), but others will grab your article and put it on their own sites (with links to your site). Some of the more popular article directories are,,, and many others. Just type in "free article directories" in a search engine and you will be amazed how many there are.

These are two great methods for attracting high quality traffic. But what about the easier low quality traffic? The best way to get traffic quickly is to sign up with online autosurf programs. It seems like most of them are scams, but there are actually a few very good ones. Not only will you get your site viewed by many, but you can also make some very good money with these auto surf programs. Autosurfing has become an extremely popular way to not only make money online, but to get lots of traffic to your site.

Companies like you, that have web sites, can get lots of traffic from autosurf programs. When you join an auto surf program you have the option to list your web site in their "autosurf" rotation. Some paid auto surf programs even allow you to join for free. And you can usually join the others for just a few dollars. Thousands of other people that belong to those autosurf programs will end up viewing your web site every day.

But in addition to attracting others to your web store you can also make money autosurfing. For many, auto surfing is big home business. Some people are making thousands of dollars every month. You might actually end up making more from paid autosurf programs than you will selling your products online. Although there are plenty of autosurf scams out there you can also find some very honest auto surf programs where you can make a good return on your investment. You just need to do your homework before joining any of the hundreds of autosurf programs on the net.

So there you have it. We have discussed three successful ways to get visitors to your site. And remember, if you limit your attention to only targeted traffic you will be missing a lot of non-targeted traffic and potential sales. Keep an open mind about the type of traffic you want to attract and you can be successful with your online business.

Original source: Free Targeted Traffic - Get It Now!.

Get Targeted hits to your website using traffic exchange and banner exchange program.

People who make the most website income are the people who get high traffic to their website. You drive more traffic to your site increase your website income.

We will describe how to convert untargeted hits receiving from traffic exchange program to targeted hits.

Quality of hits receiving from traffic exchange program is very low. But using my tips you will able to convert untargeted hits to targeted hits.

My idea described below step-by-step:

1.Register best traffic exchange program
2.Register best three banner exchange program (1:1 exchange program). Banner exchange program provide targeted hits to your website.
3.Design very attractive banner for your website and upload to banner exchange program.
4.Add three banner exchange program code to your webpage
5.Earn credit using traffic exchange program and redeem it to your website. If you get 100hits to your website using traffic exchange program and redeem it to your website. If you get 100 hits your website using traffic exchange program. Each your banner exchange program earns 100credits.
6.Redeem credits earned by banner exchange program to your website. Your banner displays 300 times on other website. If your banner very attractive your website get high targeted hits. For Example: Your banner receive 20% click, your website get 60 targeted visitor using 100 credits of traffic exchange.

If you earn more credits your website get more traffic.

Original source: Get Targeted hits to your website using traffic exchange and banner exchange program..

Monday, September 22, 2014

Free ways to Increasing website traffic.

There are all kinds of ways to generate traffic on a web site, but unluckily, many of them cost a lot of money. For those just starting out in business or trying to build one up without investing a lot of capital, this can be a problem. There are a few ways to increase web site traffic for free.


Posting links to a web site on bulletin boards, in chat rooms, on peer-to-peer sites and so on can also assist increase traffic. This way to increase web site traffic for free can take a bit of time and try, but it can work out well in the long run.

Article submissions

Some web sites take advantage of on article posting sites to plug themselves and increase web site traffic for free. This works by writing an article on a topic that's pertinent to the web site in question and then referring to the site at the bottom or within the body of the article. As long as the content is well written, this is a great way to increase web site traffic for free.

Viral marketing

Viral marketing another way to attract targeted visitors is to offer a free product or service. I use free brand able reports that visitors can download and use. These Reports and e-books have links back to my sites. One of my most popular ones is a timely report and guide on how to use and benefit from RSS on all your sites. It brings in a lot of traffic.

RSS feeds

RSS feeds one of most efficient sources of traffic to my site would have to be my blogs and RSS feeds. See I said blogs and feeds; I have created simple blogs and feeds for the major topics of my site: on RSS resources, web hosting solutions, notebook computers, etc. These blogs and feeds bring in a great number of targeted visitors to my site.

SEO Content

Search engine optimized, or SEO, content is one of the best ways to increase web site traffic for free. As long as the content is valid, useful and takes advantage of keywords that are required after via major search engines, this can be a great way to increase web site traffic for free. Getting SEO content for free, of course, will need writing it yourself, but it can be done. Whether it's a blog or a normal web site loaded, content is one of the key ways to gain ranking on the Internet and drive traffic to a website.

Link trading

One more way to increase web site traffic for free is to trade links with other sites, similar or not. Getting a web site's address out to potential viewers even in the form of a simple link is a very cost effectual way to increase likely visits. Many sites use this great way to increase web site traffic for free by simply listing their "favorite" other sites under a links banner or a "We advise" heading.

Written by Cindy Battye

Original source: Free ways to Increasing website traffic..

Get Traffic Jams With Referral Links On Your Website

Are you running an Internet business and looking for a way to boost the traffic to your website? Would you like to increase your opt-in subscribers, get more referrals, quality leads and receive valuable feedback? Well you can, through the fastest growing marketing tool available – referral links. Referral links may cause traffic jams on your website, but in a good way. Internet businesses need website traffic in order to be successful. The more referral links to your website, the more visitors stop in to look around. The math is simple. Referral links plus visitors equal purchase and profits.

According to a recent online study, over 50% of Internet users have visited websites through referral links. Referral links can bring the best website traffic jams when the referral is coming from a reliable source and can mean a world of difference when it comes to converting a website visitor to a customer. The whole purpose to having referral links is to drive visitors to your website and encourage them to stay long enough to see what products or services you have to offer them. Then it is up to you to convert that visitor into a valued customer.

Most business owners greatly depend on their website to generate a substantial part of their income. Some website business owners depend on the success of their website to supplement their income while some depend on their website for their entire income, whether it is making direct sales or by generating leads to spread interest in your website's services or products. As with many website businesses, visitors are more likely to zip through your website without reading your site or making any purchases. This happens most often when the website has no eye-catching images or information. This is a common problem among website business owners and can be very frustrating. So, the million-dollar question is this – How do you turn your visitors into customers? The answer to this question can have a tremendous affect on the success of your business website.

Turning your website visitors into customers is a "Conversion." When someone visits your website and does not provide any real benefit, such as making a purchase, inquiry, or subscribing to your newsletter or any other effects that may become a sales lead. You must convert these visitors into customers by offering them exceptional deals or incentives. Simply put, you must make them an offer they cannot refuse. After all, you have invested a great deal of time and money into getting your website up and running. Now you must invest the time and effort into getting your target audience to visit your website and opt-in to receive future specials and updates. You must think of every visitor as being a potential customer, it's up to you to convert them, drive them in, and keep them coming back.

Website business owners often measure their success in terms of conversions, not just increased website traffic. Converting a visitor into a customer that makes a purchase of products or services will create a profit. Businesses need to create profits in order to survive or else there would be no business. More customers are more relevant to business websites than mere visitors are, although visitors may eventually become a customer. Not only should you, as a website owner, focus on driving more people to your website, but also you need to focus on getting the right people in there. You need to find your target audience and go after them with everything you have. Lure them to your website by showing them that you have what they are looking for, what they need.

You want those potential customers who will likely become sales leads and create a profit so you can have a great Return on Investment (ROI) for all your money, time and effort you have invested into creating your website. This is why providing referral links on your website is so important. As a business website owner, you need to generate your own traffic and promote your website business to the best of your ability. Although referral links may only account for a small portion of website traffic, they do have a big conversion rate and they are a very wise investment of your time.

Original source: Get Traffic Jams With Referral Links On Your Website.

How to Boost Your Traffic and Profits with Content

Are you aware of how vitally important and valuable CONTENT is to your online business? In fact, content can do more to build your business and profits than just about any other resource or service available.

Following is a list of 5 key ways that content can help build your traffic, subscribers, and customers starting today!…

1. Boost your search engine ranking and daily visitor count by posting keyword rich articles and content on your web-site. For example, if your business involves offering products and services related to fitness, posting fitness related articles and content will attract unlimited prospective customers on a regular basis!

2. Generate double or even triple the number of newsletter subscribers you do currently, simply by offering content in the form of "special reports" or manuals as bonuses for subscribing to your publication. People love freebies, so give them what they want and watch as your results increase!

3. Create an automated cashflow by using content to formulate multi-part email training courses with related web-site or affiliate links "sprinkled" throughout each course. Use an autoresponder service to automate the delivery of your training course (such as a 5 part training course delivered over a 5 day period).

Training courses can also serve as excellent bonus offers for your prospective newsletter subscribers.

4. One of the most important keys to a successful online business is not JUST having a mailing list or newsletter subscribers… It's about building a trusting relationship with your subscribers (ie, "cultivating" your list)…

By sending informative articles (content) to your list on a regular basis you will establish yourself as an expert on your topic of business, as well as gain the trust of your subscribers over time. As a result, your subscribers will be EAGER to take advantage of your "paid" product and service offers. (Just make sure that you NEVER take advantage of the relationship you develop with your list by offering products or services of poor quality just to make a quick buck!)

If there is one "constant" in Internet marketing, it's this: A cultivated list of subscribers is as good as money in the bank. Write that down and never forget it!

5. Another excellent way to generate no cost traffic is by submitting ready-made articles to "content hungry" web-site and newsletter publishers with your "resource box" attached. A resource box is nothing more than a little 3-6 line "bio" about you and/or your web-site – including a link to your site (or even instructions on how to subscribe to your newsletter)…

When submitting or offering your article(s) for reprint purposes, just make sure to specify that each article is to be reprinted "as is" with your resource box attached.

…Even one article can go a LONG way towards generating no cost traffic and visitors for you. Just imagine your article being sent out to a newsletter subscriber base of 100,000 individuals – many of whom will be reading YOUR included resource box and clicking on your URL to learn more about what you have to offer!

Well there you have it, 5 sure ways to build your online business exponentially with the help of articles and content…

With the declining effectiveness of many of the online advertising methods that we've relied on in past years, content is only strengthening its position as the ultimate KEY to generating unlimited traffic, subscribers, and customers!

Original source: How to Boost Your Traffic and Profits with Content.

Free Classified Ads Submission Guide

The best part of being a web site owner – or webmaster, or site stakeholder – is the ability to publish on the world wide web your latest offering. And the cheapest – if not the freest – is through the various classified ads on the Internet.

You can publish your ads through a number of means. One is by manually submitting your ads. Another is by using some free submission program. Still another is downloading some demo submission software.

You can acess the free ads submission sites or demo programs by doing a Google search. Or you can email me for my suggestions. Whichever you choose, it requires some work on your part.

But there is a difficult part to this. One of the most daunting tasks of an Internet-based entrepreneur like you, whether you are experienced or a newbie, is to find high traffic classified ad sites to post your ads.

The purpose is always – and has ever been – to increase your web site traffic. As you know, more site visitors means more revenue.

Your problem is made more difficult by the mushrooming of free classified ad web sites on the Net. Which sites among the hundreds, nay thousands, to submit your ads and links?

The purpose of this article is first, to provide a no-nonsense guide to web site owners and webmasters as to the best places on the web to submit your ads and URLs. Second, this article gives a fair warning to all and sundry to be very careful about buying ad submission services and programs.

As for the scam submission services and fake submission software, there is a warning in Latin that says, "Caveat Emptor," or let the buyer beware. You have to do your own due diligence to outsmart the sellers of these lemon submission services and unworkable submission programs.

Some of these ineffective submission services and software are aggressively being promoted on the web. You should therefore be wary of taking a bite on these services and programs.

As an example, sometime late last year, one of these inferior submission programs was advertised on the website of a leading internet marketer. So many words were said about the product. And yet so negligible the results. This early in 2006, you read other lemon submission programs on the web.

For the honest-to-goodness ad submission sites, your problem is how to locate them. The web sites that are getting higher traffic are generally preferred. But which web sites to submit to, among the thousands out there? As they say, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

With due diligence and research, however, you can locate these better classified ad sites. These are noteworthy web sites to submit your classified ads and URLs for free.

If you cannot do a research of your own, you can find other people who have done some research on the subject and who can give you tips on where to submit your ads.

I have done some research of my own, too. Some of the sites I have discovered are featured in my web page at

Submitting your ads to a few but highly visited ad sites will spell a difference in your profit position. I suggest using a different email address for your ads submission.

You will find immediately below a listing of various web sites where you can place your ads for free.

A complete listing of free ads submission sites is available at

Good luck to your ad posting!

Original source: Free Classified Ads Submission Guide.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Getting a lot of Website Traffic

Anyone who owns a website knows the importance of website traffic. You may have a terrific idea for a website with an excellent product or service, superb design, content and functionality but if you do not use the right tactics, your site may not attract the all important highly targeted website traffic. Getting a lot of traffic into a site has very little to do with the site itself but with how the webmaster or site owner advertises it. With hundreds of competing sites, you must employ the most effective internet marketing techniques that will truly deliver results.

There are different internet marketing techniques that you can use. All these techniques and methods aim at increasing your website traffic. You must find a way for web surfers to find your site. To do this, you must put yourself in the shoes of your prospective visitors and future clients and see the internet through their eyes. Where do they usually go whenever they are looking up something on the web? The answer is the search engine; in fact, the two most popular websites on the web today are both search engines and portals. Thus, you should focus your internet marketing efforts on the search engine.

People will usually search for something using a search engine and click on the top results that these engines give. Therefore, you must use the right internet marketing techniques to get a high search engine ranking. To gain a high ranking in search results, you can use several internet marketing techniques. Search engine optimization is a set of methods that are aimed at improving the visibility of your site in search engine results. Since a search engine indexes sites by looking at its keyword density, your site's content must have favorable keyword density that is search engine friendly. Content is one of the most important internet marketing technique itself. If you have excellent content that is geared towards achieving a high search engine ranking as well as provide information then you can expect a high search engine ranking. However, this is not as easy as it sounds. Countless other sites may be using the same internet marketing technique as you do. Thus, you must continuously find new ways of attracting more website traffic.

Aside from the traditional marketing techniques such as print ads, billboards, brochures, testimonials, flyers etc. you must use other more effective internet marketing techniques to gain more website traffic. One of the most popular internet marketing technique today is submitting articles. Writing and submitting articles is an extremely powerful method for promoting your websites, products, and services.

By writing short articles on the topic related to your website, you can offer these articles for other website owners or newsletter publishers to use by submitting them to an article directory.

These directories get spidered by the search engines on a regular basis because of the high value of the content they provide. If you have not yet been picked up by the search engines this is the easiest way to get them to find you. You also get exposure to those who look for articles in the directories for use on their sites.

When they make use of your articles on their websites or in their newsletters, you will get the credit as the author along with a link to your website. Not only will you gain visitors, but you will benefit from the hyperlinks that are created.

This internet marketing technique is now being used by thousands of site owners. It is also gaining popularity because of its relatively high success rate in attracting high website traffic.

Original source: Getting a lot of Website Traffic.

Earn Money Online Non-stop by Generating Stampedes of Traffic Using Only Free Methods Part 1

Let's face it, you can set up the most beautiful site in the world by the most professional web designers and still make zero profit if you do not know how to promote your site. What you need is traffic! Without traffic, your site is like a mansion in the middle of the Sahara desert and nobody will ever visit you. You need tons and herds of traffic that will cause a stampede and trample your site in an unstoppable manner! Only then can you earn money online non-stop and blow your profits through the roof.

But what happens if you are starting your online business on a shoestring budget and still need traffic. Well, the good thing about the internet is that it can allow the "little guy" to earn money online along with the big boys even with a low starting budget. With a bit of effort, the little guy can succeed as much as the big boys do. The following are some of the free methods to generate massive traffic to your site and let you earn money online with absolutely no costs at all.

1. Article Writing and Submission
This is by far the most rewarding free method and has stood the test of time as a powerful traffic generation strategy. Using your expertise and knowledge to write compelling and informational articles and submitting them to online article directories will reward you with more benefits than you can imagine. Your articles will come with your own resource box where you are allowed to place your own description and website links in them and allow the reader to click through to your website. Readers who like the information in your articles are going to perceive you as an expert in the field and are already pre-sold thus gaining you immediate credibility. By the time they reach your site, you are an expert in their eyes and whatever you sell on your site will seem like a million dollars to them and you will earn money online effortlessly.

Another huge benefit of article writing and submission include the backlinks that lie in the resource box. Many article writers who have no search engine optimization knowledge (SEO) will perceive the resource box as only a gateway to their site. But article writers with SEO knowledge will understand that backlinks are actually an important aspect of ranking high in search engines to earn money online. The text used with the backlinks known as "anchor text" determine what keywords your website will actually rank high in. This brings us to the next free traffic generation technique.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Contrary to what many people say, search engine optimization (SEO) is not rocket science. With a little study and research, you will discover that the common techniques to rank high for the keywords you want are actually very simple. Here are some simple tips to get you going with SEO to earn money online the free way.

SEO starts off with on-page optimization. The page that you want to rank high for the specific keyword you want should ideally be centered on that keyword. What do you mean by centered on the keyword? It means the topic of your webpage should be focused on that keyword. Your page title, H1 H2 header tags, image tag, first and last paragraphs should have the keyword in it. The keyword density which is the number of times your keyword appears in the total number of words on the page should ideally be between 3-5% according to SEO experts. All these will contribute to your page ranking higher for the keyword you are gunning for and allow you to earn money online with ease. However, on-page optimization is not the only factor. Another major factor is off-page optimization.

Off-page optimization basically refers to off the page factors that can increase your ranking in the search engines. This is the part where a bit more effort is required to gain the traffic you desire. The most important off-page factor that affects the ranking of your webpage is the number of backlinks and the focus of the pages that are linking to your page. The pages that link to your page should ideally have the same focus as your page and thus are highly relevant to the content of your page. The anchor text used to link to your page should also consist of your keyword and the more of such backlinks you have the higher your page will rank in the search engines. Combining good on-page and off-page optimization is a deadly strategy for getting floods of free traffic that will let you earn money online non-stop.

The above two techniques serve as a starting point to generate hordes of free traffic and let you earn money online successfully. So take action now and bring your site out of the desert and let the world see its beauty. Be sure to read part 2 of the article to find out more powerful free traffic generation methods.

Original source: Earn Money Online Non-stop by Generating Stampedes of Traffic Using Only Free Methods Part 1.

Free Is Good! Five Ways To Give Away Free Stuff And See Website Traffic Increase

Everyone loves to get something for free. This is true of almost everyone who frequently surfs the web as well. Website operators are constantly looking not only for ways to attract new visitors, but also ways to keep them coming back. If you are looking for a way to increase website traffic, consider using a tactic such as the "Give Away". By giving away free stuff on your site, you will likely attract many more visitors. You can also keep these visitors coming back frequently by offering new free stuff each month. If you are interested in see the results of your website traffic improve, then consider using these five ways to give away free stuff.

Donated Goods

You may be interested in trying to give away free stuff on your website, but you may not be willing to spend your own money in doing so. If this is the case, there are options for you. You can always network with other companies who will essentially give you their products to showcase and give away from your site. Local businesses are the first place to look, as they usually are very willing to help fellow town citizens. You can also go to larger corporations if you know exactly who to contact and make sure they realize that they too would be receiving free advertising from allowing you to showcase their products. Usually you won't get enough products each month to offer to every visitor, so make sure you mention that only the first 30 (or the equivalent of products you have) visitors who sign up will receive the products.

Monthly Contests

Website visitors love contests and many of them are willing to visit the same sites each day just to enter to win something free. Therefore, by offering free stuff through a contest, you are likely to get visitors to return on a daily basis. Set the rules to state that each visitor can only enter once a day if you like. Purchase a good prize or get one donated and give it away to the random name drawn from the entries. This is a great way to get the attention of many consumers, especially if your prizes are extra interesting and worthy.

Personalized Items

One interesting tactic is to give away merchandise with your website's name or your business's name on them. Items such as shirts, hats, towels, cups, and key chains are perfect for this task. The idea is to keep people coming to your site for free stuff as well as to look around. The extra perk with this strategy however, is to allow them to be your advertisers as well. If they wear one of these items out in public, there are likely thousands of people who will be exposed to your business passively. This is a great idea and can be done through many methods including contests or loyal customer incentives.

Referral Prizes

If you really want to spread the word on your website and get more traffic than ever, you should consider giving referral prizes. You can set your system up to allow each visitor to send an automated email from your site asking him or her to visit. If the visitor is willing to offer up 10 or 20 valid email addresses, then you can offer them a free prize. The prize can be as small or large as you wish. This is the perfect way to get more traffic while also rewarding those that are helping you along the way.

Reminder Emails

After you choose the method of how you plan to give your free stuff away, consider offering reminder emails to those who love to participate. You can offer initial free stuff to those that sign up, like a key chain. This is a great way to get that traffic to continue after the visitor's initial visit. You can remind them monthly that there are new things to see at your site and they will likely visit more often. You can also use this not only to remind them of free stuff being given away but also to tell them about deals or other offers you have for them as well. They are likely to forward these emails on to friends they think might be interested as well.

Original source: Free Is Good! Five Ways To Give Away Free Stuff And See Website Traffic Increase.

How I Got A Pagerank Of 5 In One Month

About two months ago I started my own blog and I soon realized how hard can be to get some traffic to your site. You submitted your website to the search engines and finally got indexed, but if your site appears on a 5th ot 10th results page for a specific search, this will not bring a lot of traffic to your site.
Sounds familiar?

Well, bringing some quality traffic to your site is not that hard at the end. By putting some little effort in it I was able to achieve a pagerank of 5 in only one month and that drives pretty much traffic to my blog. My site was also showing in the top ten results on google for some really competitive keywords with millions of total results and I've done all this in weeks!

To drive good traffic to your site, you need to pay attention to two things:

1) Have quality content on your site
2) Have quality links pointing to your site ( or even better if you are able to exchange links )

I can't help you much with your site content, since it depends a lot on your website, but I can give you some advices on how to find good links pointing to your site.

Linking is one of the most important factors in the search engine optimization process. The number and quality of links pointing to your site show how famous your website is and the Google's pagerank is in fact calculated from the links pointing to a page, that's why the pagerank indicates how important a page is. The Pagerank formula is quite simple, the pagerank of a page A is an adjusted sum of the inbound links pointing to page A. And the value of a single outbound link from page B is calculated by dividing the pagerank of page B by the number of outbound links on page B.

Now let's take a look at where you can place links to your site.

1) Public forums – there are many public forums and places for discussion on the internet. Search for forums that you like, take part to the discussion and leave your link under your signiture. Remember to leave some quality posts, if you will just leave links you'll be easily banned.

2) RSS feeds – If you own a blog or you have a RSS feed for syndication on your site, there are dozens of sites that will publish a link to your site or even distribute your content for free.

3) – A really high traffic website with links to articles. If you can have a good article linked from Digg, it will drive you tons of traffic.

4) Article exchange – If you are a good writer and have the time to write, you can find hundreds of sites that will publish and distribute your article and they will all link back to your site.

5) Link exchange – If you find some good websites related to yours you can ask the webmaster if he would like to exchange links.

6) Own a blog to promote your site – blogs are so popular today that even bigger business websites are starting their own blogs. A blog can be a really powerful tool for marketing your site. It can attract thousands of fresh, targeted visitors to your site for free and can help you earn a #1 ranking in the search engines, and drive truckloads of highly targeted traffic to your site.

And remember, always look for quality and try to put links on pages with high pageranks.

Original source: How I Got A Pagerank Of 5 In One Month.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

How do Traffic Exchanges Work and How do I get Free Traffic

Imagine the next time you join a discussion about traffic. When you start
sharing the fascinating traffic facts below, your friends will be absolutely amazed.

Traffic Exchanges offer a great free way of promoting your business. They should be included in your advertising arsenal but make sure that you leverage your time effectively and you don't surf for hours for those advertising credits. Try to find a traffic exchange program that will not hinder your normal surfing behavior, while advertising your business, and you will be one of the few people who maximize their time and effort with this free marketing tool.

Some traffic exchange services will make your surfing experience a bit more complex, since you would have to wait for a timer to expire in order to be awarded credits, and while that timer counts down you are forced to view another person's website from the network.

Some of these measures were taken by the traffic exchange programs in an effort to minimize or eliminate cheating, as some users have created ways to cheat the system by using software programs that auto surf and earn them credits.

Typically, participants to traffic exchanges will surf the Internet with a
slight modification of how they normally would, in an effort to collect credits.

The less departure from the normal surfing experience, the more the webmaster will be willing to use that traffic exchange program. Also, the less you force a user to view your website, the more targeted they will be for that product or service. For example, someone who reads a headline in a traffic exchange and clicks on it to view the website is more targeted than someone who views it because they are forced to wait for a timer to expire.

Now that you have an overview of what traffic exchange programs are, and how they work, lets have a look at their main benefits:

1. You can recruit affiliates to gain more exposure to your site

2. You can build a list to market your products to

3. They're free to use

4. Targeted Traffic (for Internet Marketing)

So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about traffic. You may decide that the following information is even more interesting.

Almost all traffic exchange services are free, although you can upgrade
your membership to get additional benefits in some. This means that someone
with a low or no budget can quickly start advertising their website for
little or no cost.

If your product is Internet marketing related then the traffic you would
receive to your website will be somewhat targeted because they will be
people who are also looking for ways of increasing their online income
and traffic.

To capture these names and add them to your email list have a page designed to give out a freebie or a 5 part e-course in exchange for an email address. You can then follow up with these leads and sell them more stuff in the future.

If you have your own product and affiliate program, you can recruit affiliates to sell your products for a commission. The more people selling your products, the more passive income you will make.

In conclusion, Traffic Exchange programs are services that are used by webmasters to attract more traffic and to obtain more exposure for their business.

There are different types of traffic exchange programs. Many will let you surf the Internet as you normally would but require that you set your browser's start page to their default advertising page. Then, every time your browser loads one of their pages you earn advertising credits. You can also get credits for clicking on links of other members in the network. The credits you earn can be used in exchange for visitors to your site.

Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about traffic. The more you know, the easier it will be to focus on what's important.

Original source: How do Traffic Exchanges Work and How do I get Free Traffic.