Monday, June 30, 2014

Internet Marketing – Things You Don't Need To Know

For some time now I have become disillusioned with running my own traditional style business. You know the one where you have to rent premises, pay rates, employ staff, keep large amounts of stock and a million of other time and financially consuming things. Anyway, a couple of months ago, I decided to investigate the possibility of starting my own internet business or as they say in the trade, become an internet marketer.

During my search of the net and on my many visits to literally hundreds of sites, I was cordially invited to join the many free courses and obtain numerous free newsletters. This was great, all this information was soon winging its way to me. However, it was only on further investigation that I realised that the newsletters were only telling me so much but to get the really important stuff I had to send money. Now don't get me wrong, I am a realist, I know there is no such thing as a free lunch, but hey, if I was to buy everything that everyone suggested I must have and really needed, not to mention the $5,000 courses and seminars that only a true internet marketer should attend then a remortgage of the family home was inevitable. Not being the impulsive type I refrained from enrolling for every must have marketing item. And I am glad I did as you will discover later.

What I did find most interesting and very amusing was some of the Headlines of the many automated emails I received and I thought I would share some of these with you.

So here goes.

What if?
He will email your ad to 1 MILLION people (sorta)
This is a killer
I am the Undisputed King of Cash….
I've found it ….
Get your site on Google in days
$250 – $500 every single day, guaranteed
Earn Minimum $300 A Day
Resources to Generate $11,643 Every Week
How He Makes $1500 Every Day
Powerful Training Methods
Start earning in 15 minutes from now
Get FREE links and Traffic within days
You will easily Earn $500 to $1,000
36 Ways to Affiliate Success
Profit Pulling Niche Packages
Limited Time Offer: Discover my Secrets, Earn $25,000 A Month

However, and what I mentioned earlier that you would discover later was during my investigations, I accidentally came across an excellent FREE eBook titled "Perpetual Profits" by Brian Campbell. This contained information which others were selling for $79 and upwards. I was so impressed with the content of the book I contacted Brian who kindly gave me his permission to distribute it. You can get your copy by visiting my website and I have attached a link below. Oh! and whilst you are there, sign up for my Newsletter. Only joking……

Happy marketing.

Original source: Internet Marketing – Things You Don't Need To Know.

Internet Marketing Tips On Getting Your Web Site Spidered Quickly

The world of internet marketing is a highly competitive place. As a beginning internet marketer there are some basic things you should know about how search engines spider and index your web site. Unless the search engines find your web site and index it, there is no way the general public will know that it is there.

After you have created your web site and chosen the products or services you want to provide, you will be ready to get your site listed with the search engines. When developing your marketing strategy, it is important to include a plan to get your web site spidered quickly. In order to get your site indexed you must let the search engine spiders know you are there in the first place.

You may have wondered if there are ways to lure the spiders to your web site other than manual submission. The good news is that many SEOs recommend the following methods rather than submitting your pages directly.

The best way to get your site spidered quickly is to link your web site to another site that is already indexed, that is related to your site, and that is spidered frequently. Having your site mentioned in news releases, blogs, and so on can get your site your web site spidered very quickly, sometimes within days.

You can also use the more traditional methods including posting in forums and providing articles for the various article directories. If you choose this route, be careful not to spam. Follow the posted rules, give helpful answers, and do not go overboard on your "sig file". Private forums are not always indexed, so make certain that the forums where you post display recent posts and are listed in search results.

No matter which method you choose to get your web site spidered, you will need a good site map. A site map lists and links to all pages on your site. If your site consists of over approximately one hundred pages, consider using a multi-page site map. Make certain that every site map page links to all other site map pages. You should have a link to your site map on your home page and preferably on each of your pages. You should make sure your web site pages are simple and free of useless clutter.

Getting your web site spidered quickly is the most important thing you can do to achieve success as an internet marketer. Using the methods suggested above can be very helpful in getting your web site indexed.

Original source: Internet Marketing Tips On Getting Your Web Site Spidered Quickly.

Internet Marketing Strategy as simple as 123.

I found an Internet marketing strategy that is simple and inexpensive. The strategy takes some time and effort, but the results speak for themselves.

I discovered this method mid December 2007 and put it into play on January 4th 2008. I started using the method in the billiards niche. I chose this niche because I have been building a content site around pool and billiards since January of 2007.

The method is a combination of blogging, social book marking and article submission. I know this can sound kind of confusing, but it is really quite simple. This Internet marketing strategy only takes a few minutes a day and the results can be unbelievable.

The blog that I started about billiards had over 11000 hits in January. This is pretty cool considering I set the blog up on my domain and wrote the first article on January 4th.

If this sounds like something that interests you and you need some help understanding the technical side of things, just shoot me an email and I will help you out. This is a fun way to build traffic to your website and pay it forward with some knowledge for other people interested in your niche.

When doing this type of marketing, it is important to pick a topic that you know and have a true passion for. This makes it much easier to write about.

Don't worry if you have never written anything before. If you have a passion for the subject it will come easy. Your passion will come through in your writing and the audience who reads it will respect that.

Writing content like this is really nothing more that simply communicating. Just write as if you are talking to a friend.

To Your Success on finding a good Internet Marketing strategy.

Original source: Internet Marketing Strategy as simple as 123..

Internet marketing tips to help your business grow

To do business online, you must have Internet marketing tips handy to guide you. Internet marketing is a relatively new marketing strategy and everybody is doing internet marketing these days. Internet marketing is all about promoting, selling and buying of goods and services in the World Wide Web. There are many website in the internet, and so the trick lies in bringing visitors to your website by adopting effective internet marketing tips and strategies.

The first thing for internet marketing for your product is to have a website for the product. This is the first and foremost internet marketing tips. The site must be properly designed combining the different elements of designing in just the right proportion. See that the site has proper navigability and functionality, so that visitors keep coming back to your site to buy things.

You can find hundreds and thousands of tips on internet marketing, but what you have to do is utilize that which is best for bringing bring new clients to your site. Take part in as many forum discussions as possible in the internet. Prepare blogs for your site and make your presence felt everywhere in the internet. Create a buzz in the internet about your site and try to bring in as many visitors as you can to your site. This is one way of bringing visitors and prospective clients to your site.

Put up good and accurate and relevant information in the content of your site about the product or service you are offering. Visitors come to online sites looking for information and if they do not find what they are looking for, they will simply go to the next website. There is no limit for options when a person is searching for information in the World Wide Web. Keep on updating the contents of your site regularly with relevant information. This will surly give you a distinct edge over your rivals.

Publishing letters and ezines is another internet marketing tips which can be utilized for your online business site. They are good source of communication to keep in touch with your existing and prospective customers of your business. You can keep your customers regularly informed about any new schemes which you undertake for growing your business from time to time.

The cost of advertising in the internet is less compared to advertising in any other medium. Besides being cheap internet marketing can be accessed by anyone at anytime from any corner of the world. This is an important aspect which must be remembered which undertaking internet marketing for a product or service. The whole universe is your market, so take care of global needs while putting up information in your site about the product you are selling.

Internet marketing tips are meant to guide a person who is entering the field of internet marketing, but does not have proper knowledge about it. Following the internet marketing tips carefully will surely help your business grow, since they are tried and tested methods of achieving success in the internet. Project your business in the proper way and give the customers a clear picture about what services you are offering them. Also let them know if you are offering them any freebies or offers very clearly. I am sure following good internet marketing tips will spell success for your business.

Original source: Internet marketing tips to help your business grow.

Internet Marketing - Seven Tips To Make Your Blog More Scannable

Most bloggers love when their traffic is high and they have a great deal of fans. Getting to that popular point can be a little difficult however. If you want to have a successful blog, you will need to make sure all of the components are there. One of the most important components to have within your blog is scan-ability. This really means that your blog is scannable, or easy to go through quickly while still capturing the main points of your posts. Use these seven tips to make sure your blog is scannable and you will see an increase in traffic to your site.

Keep It Short

The number one mistake bloggers make when posting is creating extremely long posts. You should always be honest about your views and post accurate information. However, you should also be concise with your posts. Web surfers don't have the time or the desire to sit around for hours reading your blog. They are looking for a quick satisfying post to quickly fill them up. They want something that is full on content, but not lengthy. If you tend to be wordy with your posts, try cutting them down a bit to see if your traffic increases.

Create Interesting Headlines

The way you set up your posts has a lot to do with them being scannable. Your posts should always have an interesting headline. It should be catchy and attention grabbing with its wording. It should also be done using different style elements such as bold print, colored print, and italics. The more attention you can get to the headline, the easier it will be for a reader to go through your posts and read the ones that interest them most. When you make it easy for the readers, they will read more.

Break Up Your Posts

Breaking up your posts is not only about headlines, it is also about endings. Create a signature way of signing off on a post. You can "sign" your name or your can always end with an interesting quote. You can also choose to end with a question to try to get readers involved. No matter what your signature ending is, it will be easier for people to shift their focus from one post to the next when they see it. It will become familiar to regular readers and will be a comforting sign that you have nothing else to say on that topic at that time.

Cut Out the Big Words

You should never feel the need to use enormous words that very few people understand or can even pronounce. The best thing you can do is keep the grammar very simple on your blog. By doing so, you are making your blog easier to scan and to read. Most people will only look through the blog for phrases and headings, so these big words can really be distracting. With less than 20% of blog readers going over word for word, you should not waste your time trying to impress. Instead, write in the manner that you would talk to a friend. Making it casual is a great way to gain a lot of interest.

Don't Use It as Story Site

When someone uses their blog as a place to post lengthy stories about life, they are making a mistake. Blogs are indeed personal journals and if you want to do that, you are entitled. However, if you want your blog to be popular, you should not post stories. Instead, to make your blog more scannable, you should post lists. Lists are very effective ways to make your blog scannable and readers will love you for it.

Graphics Work

Graphics were once things that bloggers thought got in the way of their content. Today however the opposite is true. When done appropriately, graphics can really add to your content and make your readers more interested. You can make your site scannable by adding a few graphics to your blog. Try adding graphics that go along with your posts for an efficient approach.

Be Clear

When you have something to say on your blog, just go ahead and say it. Some bloggers tend to let their opinions or main points drift in and out of their posts subtly. The most effective way to get your point across in a blog is to come out with blazing guns. You should keep your main point close to the beginning. This is a great way to know readers understand what you want to say.

Internet Marketing

Original source: Internet Marketing - Seven Tips To Make Your Blog More Scannable.

Internet Marketing Insight - How Google Ranks Your Pay Per Click Campaign (Why You Need To Know)

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Let me first say that Google Adwords (Google pay per click), when done correctly, will give you the best return on your money compared to other online advertising options. At the same time, if you don't know how Google evaluates your campaign, it could cost you a fortune.

Let's first examine how Google is different from other search vehicles. Most search engines base the placement of your ad on how much you pay per click, i.e., the one who pays the most for a specific keyword will be positioned in the #1 spot.

Not so with Google. In an attempt to deliver more relevant content to its readers, Google uses several parameters to determine the order in which it serves up its ads. Not knowing or ignoring these parameters can cost you big! And unless your enterprise has very deep pockets, it can even mean the difference between success and failure.

When doing a pay per click campaign on Google, your ad position will be based on keyword selection, ad relevance to keywords, bid price, average click rate, how long visitors stay on your site, and even the match of your landing page to your ad and keyword. Essentially, you could be paying the most per click and be listed in the 5 position! Or vise versa, you could be paying less than the top 5 bidders and be in the #1 spot!

When setting up your Google Adwords (pay per click) campaign, all these elements will affect your position in the ranking, so make sure that:

•Your keywords are not too broad

•Your ad relates to your keywords (keyword grouping is important)

•Your bid price is at least competitive

•Your click rate is good (above 1-3% is great, below 0.5% is a killer)

•Keywords you choose match the content on your landing page

•You use text instead of Flash. This is very important…using Flash landing pages without text will affect your ad position in a negative way (Google perceives pages with no information the same as pages with non relevant information).

The more you adhere to these parameters, the lower your cost per click and the better your conversions will be. I appreciate Google's well thought out ranking policies. When searching online for info, I hate nothing more than clicking on an ad that sends me to a page that has little or nothing to do with what I am researching. If I don't see relevant information within a few seconds, I'm gone, and irritated about the waste of time!

Look for our next article, where we'll cover "The biggest mistake when doing Google Adwords". Sign up for our "Marketing Insight" ezine and be the first to view it.

The article is brought to you by Peter Grundner at P&T Enterprises

For more information please visit and

Original source: Internet Marketing Insight - How Google Ranks Your Pay Per Click Campaign (Why You Need To Know).

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Internet Marketing: Making Your Wordpress Blog Spam-Proof

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As long as there is Internet marketing, there will be spam. A lot of it comes from overseas, but some of it is from people who just don't know any better. They learn to go about doing things the wrong way, and some of them can get into trouble, as with email spamming. But the people who spam blogs, are by and large, just wasting their time.

Rather than waste valuable Internet marketing effort, people should do something much more effective like writing articles or posting in their own blogs. But some spend their money on "blog blasters," which randomly spam blog comments throughout the blogging universe. What these people don't realize is that they've wasted their money. But then, for every Internet marketing success story, there will be thousands of Internet marketing failures. People just don't get it. Spamming WordPress blogs, at least, is a total waste of time.

WordPress blogs come with a plugin, already installed, called "Akismet," and it will automatically pick out the spam comments and hold them for you, until you delete them. It's pretty efficient, and catches about 90% of the spam comments that come in. To activate the plugin, click on the "Plugins" tab from your WordPress dashboard. You'll see Akismet in a grey or green bar. If the bar is grey, you'll need to activate the plugin so click on the link on the right-hand side that says, "Activate."

To complete the process, you'll need to get an API key from WordPress. This is a simple line of letters and numbers, and to get it, you just need to register with Word Press at Once you've signed up, WordPress will email the API key to you. When you see it in your Inbox, go back to your blog and click on the Plugins tab again. To the far right, you'll see "Akismet Configuration." That will take you to a page that has an empty box for that API key. Fill it in and click "Update API Key." Bang! No more spam.

Now, you'll have to monitor the spam, so go to "Manage," from your Dashboard screen. You'll then see that "Akismet Spam" link. When you see there are spam comments, if there are only a few, you can check to see that they're all spam. If so, then, click on "Delete All!" and they're gone. Before my blog had so many spam comments, I found some legitimate comments and could weed them out to be approved. Now, we get hundreds of spam comments every day, so they're just all deleted. Anyone wanting to spam my Internet marketing blog is out of luck.

If you have a blog, you need that spam control. So, it's not enough to just activate the spam filter. You have to approve your comments. From the WordPress dashboard, click on "Options," and then "Discussion." Set your preference to: "An administrator must approve the comment." Then, you'll be able to see every comment before it hits your blog. Akismet is a great blocker, but not 100%.

Akismet will handle most of the problem. When your blog is new, you may not have much spam, but once it hits the search engines, you'll see it grow daily. Akismet is one great way to control this quickly and easily. Let someone else waste their Internet marketing time on stupid tricks. You won't have to.

Original source: Internet Marketing: Making Your Wordpress Blog Spam-Proof.

Internet Business Marketing Methods

The internet is a great place for people to start the business of their dreams. Online businesses are cheaper to run than standard retail businesses because operating methods are generally low-cost, and internet businesses have very little overhead expenses. Internet business can contain a great deal of products and information without the expense necessary for standard businesses. An internet business can be operated at home, and marketing an internet business has many low-cost options and methods not afforded to regular business owners.

Marketing methods are numerous, but not all methods of internet marketing are known to internet business owners. Low-cost internet marketing methods are available to internet business owners, and these methods are easy to implement. These low-cost marketing methods make it simple for anyone with an internet business to make that business a financial success. An internet business owner doesn't have to be a corporate giant in order to receive the internet marketing it deserves.

For internet businesses and websites to obtain the highest search engine rankings, they must receive an adequate amount of internet traffic. The more the traffic, the higher the ranking. When marketing a website and looking for low-cost methods, this seems like an unfair disadvantage. Internet business owners seeking more traffic submit their websites to search engines in order to increase traffic. If search engines won't list websites high upon their lists when traffic is low, how can internet business owners receive the traffic they need in order to gain higher search engine rankings and a chance at success? This is a marketing nightmare for those looking for low-cost marketing methods. Link exchanges are the answers to those wanting low-cost internet marketing and high search engine rankings.

Internet business owners looking for low-cost internet marketing should seriously consider becoming involved in link exchange opportunities.Exchanging links with other business websites is not just a low-cost marketing method, exchanging business links is often free. There are websites where those wishing to exchange links can find compatible link partners also interested in low-cost and free marketing through increased website traffic.

Once internet business owners are receiving the necessary website traffic in order to achieve high ranking search engine status, they should submit their internet business website to all of the major search engines. Search engine submission and marketing is low-cost and often free through search engine submission services. Website owners using these services are generally asked to place a link to the website submission service on their website. With proper keyword density and meta tags, business websites will achieve higher rankings on major search engine lists. Marketing a business website through low-cost and free online services is an effective and intelligent method of internet business promotion.

Original source: Internet Business Marketing Methods.

Internet Marketing 3 Simple Business Success


internet marketing, marketing online, business marketing, google, florida online marketing

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SEO Expertise and 3 Techniques for Success.

Internet marketing experts first start using Onsite Optimization and using the right keywords using keywords in your titles, descriptions and heading tags. Simply placing more keywords selectively in certain areas on the page is key.

Keyword density should be 5 to 6 %, do not over load key phrases. But good Internet marketing experts will place keywords and use anchor text to help you rank and convert sales.

Use anchor text towards the top of pages. This anchor text or link should be a keyword. Then place that anchor text to go to a page that is optimized for that key phrase.

Second is off site optimization, which is Internet marketing most important technique. Internet marketers use link building. There are a couple simple ways to link build.

Content and Article Promotion, Directory submissions, paid links, and rss feeds. This is all you really need to focus on for links. And lastly SEO Experts create business blogs that will also promote a site.

Third technique is building more pages and use good content. Have a web designer create a web page or content management system for you or purchase one online.

The more good pages you create the better opportunity you can have for bring traffic. But important step for Internet marketing is good content. Them related contented that focuses on a problem and offers a solution with you link in the middle.

Looking for targeted customers… try using keywords with your city and town. These are know as low hanging fruit and are great starters for Internet marketing experts. To find out which keywords are being search you can search from a software at

Once you understand your low hanging fruit you can really blast past your competition. So blast your unique content and market and solve solutions for peoples problems. Then simply have a link and call to action.

Syndicate your great content to niche directories and article directories. Good Internet marketing experts promote website but more they promote great content.

How does one get content out quickly?

Again stream the process using tools. Automate as much as you can… not the content but the process of syndicating. For good article promotion you should submit to major article directories. SEO or Search Engine Marketing can be successful by just taking care of these steps. When you promote articles you get to send them to millions of sites. These sites are articles sites. The content or article you send should have one link. That link is a link back and now you are link building. So go out there start article promotion.

One important Step to understand, remember Google is getting smarter. Google is now researching phrases and keyword density more closely. The databases store the relevancy and details about phrase matching. This will get you penalized so beware of the phrase matching which will be coming and knocking out a lot of spammers.

For more helpful information on Google and Marketing and Search Engines visit

Original source: Internet Marketing 3 Simple Business Success.

Internet Marketing - 10 Ways To Tell If You Are A Guru

Over the last few months there has been an incredible number of new "guru's" appear in the world of internet marketing. Amazingly this has coincided with a whole host of very poorly though out products that offer very little or no value to purchaser. Coincidence? I'll let you decide.

It could be that you are already an internet marketing Guru and you don't even know it yet. Just to help you out here is a list of 10 things that will help you work out if you are in fact an Internet Marketing "Guru"

10. Every family event, Birth, Wedding, Christening or Funeral is seen as a potential source of sales and the Ideal opportunity for an impromptu Seminar.

9. You approach the local paperboy and offer him 50% of sales to your new product in return for use of his "list"

8. You start to use words and expressions like "skyrocket" and "Explode your Income" in day to day conversations

7. You write your wife a note to tell her you've taken the dog for a walk and it stretches to 8 pages

6. You phone your local Wal-Mart and ask If you can get your shopping "even if it's 2am"

5. You and your friends' idea of fun is seeing who can get a poorly written book to no1. in Amazon

4. You get embarrassed in the showers when you find your friend has a bigger list than you.

3. You decide to sell your car but won't tell anyone the price until they are in the bank and ready to pay

2. You take your youngest kid to a new school and then try to up sell to your oldest kid and tell the headmaster that he will never see this offer again

1. You can't see the irony in the last 9 reasons

What do you do If any of the above apply to you? If you recognise that more than 1 of the 10 are applicable then I am afraid you are probably beyond saving.

Original source: Internet Marketing - 10 Ways To Tell If You Are A Guru.

Interest Facts And Tricks Of Internet Marketing

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The internet is one of the most powerful tools in business today. There is hardly any kind of business in the world that does not maintain a presence in some way on the web. This is all due to the fact that the internet has become such a part of the daily lives of those that live and work in the world.

People are turning to the internet as a way to maintain the lives that they have and work through the many problems that they face. This also comes to full circle when you consider the fact that many people are also looking to the internet as a method of finding the goods and services that they require. This is the main reason why so many businesses have seen the light when it comes to the internet. They are now reaching a much more broad market and bringing in customers that they would have never been able to reach with the standard business operations of the past.

There are however some issues that need to be resolved when you consider the internet and business. These days the competition is fierce for the attention of internet users from a business stand point. In years past there have been less people using the net for the things they need but that is long past. These days nearly every type of business is available on the net and it is not easy to get the people to your website like it was. This means that you will need to take part in some internet marketing to get the business you have posted noticed by the people.

Internet marketing is nothing more then the web based advertising campaigns that will work to ensure that the people you need who will purchase your products and services are making it to the website that you have set up. Taking a page from the early days of the web one must understand how it is that people look on the internet for different things making this move will then ensure that you have the traffic that you need to get the internet part of your business into the big time.

Internet marketing can be a very tricky operation. This is why there are so many companies now available that will do it for you. Without some basic knowledge of how the internet works and how the customers will behave is nothing shy of a disaster. The internet is vast and there are so many sites available that offer the same services that you do. For this to work you need to be doing things a bit different and above all else, better then the competition.

There are many things that are different about the internet in respect to advertising and marketing then the standard forms from the days past. Radio and television ads are specifically targeted at a certain demographic. It is much harder to target such things when you are dealing with the internet because it is such a diverse group in respect to the users. All age ranges are available on the web and picking out who is who is very difficult.

Original source: Interest Facts And Tricks Of Internet Marketing.

Internet Marketing: Which Shoe Fits?

The discovery of niche keywords is an effective no-cost way to uncover marketing potential. Many online businesses simply rely on keywords or phrases they think best describe their product or service. By conducting a search to learn what niche keywords might bring visitors to your site you are likely to increase the number of unique visits to your site. There are several online tools to help you uncover niche keywords. This information is valuable for Meta title information as well as knowledge based articles and product descriptions.

Color schemes may also have some bearing on the acceptability of your site. The harmony of colors may go a long way in maximizing the time spent on your website. A website like can assist you in finding colors that work together. The use of this tool is free.

Consumers do not have patience for a site with broken links and missing pages. The use of a free product like will allow you to check links, html as well as spelling mistakes that may exist on your website. You can effectively uncover problems with your website before an irate visitor points it out.

There are other free-to-use software programs to help with learning html codes, fixing broken html codes, placing a search engine on your website as well as other tools that have the ability to help you maintain and market your website.

The world of web marketing is a blend of tried and true methods like long-term keyword strategies, advertising and exemplary web site maintenance and updates. The addition of knowledge-based articles that are subjected to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques can also provide a significant boost to your marketing efforts.

Internet marketing is a bit like going into your favorite department store and looking at shoes. You can see that every box has a shoe, but each box contains something unique. Each shoebox contains a different size, style or color of shoe. In marketing, every site has similarities, but there are certain strategies that may work better for one ecommerce site than another.

For instance, some websites use business blogging extensively while others may not us blogging at all in their Internet marketing strategies. Some websites may rely heavily on Meta title information while others may rely on manual site submission strategies. It is true I may have some marketing preferences that just make sense to me, but as long as you keep working at ways to promote your website you improve the odds that your online business will succeed.

Original source: Internet Marketing: Which Shoe Fits?.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Internet Marketing: The importance of a Domain Name

The domain name is the entry to your site. The address people type in their browsers to get to it. You need to pay attention to it, because your company name will not always be the best domain name you can get for your website. There are certain considerations you should keep in mind when choosing the domain name you will use:

· your domain name should be easy to remember for the intended audience
· your domain name should contain keywords so it helps your site positioning in search engines.

With these in mind, you will soon discover that is not always the best alternative. It depends on whether you have a well established company, with a known name, or you are starting your business.

The domain name is a tool you can use to help your business grow. So don't miss the opportunity. Spend the necessary time thinking about possible domain names, and trying to find their good and bad aspects.

A good idea is to get more than one domain name and point them to the same website. So if people type or they type they get to the same website. This way you can still use your company name as domain name, and also some other keyword rich name you register.

Another good idea is to register common variations of your chosen domain name. For example, if you register, you could also register or

Once you come up with the domain name(s) you want to use, you need to register them. The first step is to check if they are available, because they could have been already registered by someone else. Once you have verified this, you can register them for a period of time, and they will be yours to use for that period. You can always renew them afterwards, before the period expires.

Original source: Internet Marketing: The importance of a Domain Name.

Insiders Secrets to Marketing Your Business On the Internet by Corey Rudl - Reviewed

I came to understand that "Insider Secrets" was a labor of love developed by Corey Rudl and it didn't happen easily for him. Hours of learning and research went into gaining his knowledge and compiling this marketing system, in a manner that benefited me personally.

This review is meant to be a useful, educational and an instructive resource for anyone interested in starting their own internet business.

Read it – and let me know what you think.

In June 2005, tragedy struck when Derek Gehl lost his good friend, colleague, and mentor, Corey Rudl, to the sport Corey was most passionate about — car racing. Corey's passing stunned the entire internet marketing community. But one thing became very clear, very quickly: everyone was adamant that Corey's dream must continue, no matter what.

And so, while Derek had always been content to work "behind the scenes," he suddenly found himself thrust into a very public role. With the blessing of Corey's family, and the support of all of Corey's customers, Derek began running the company. Corey might be gone but his system is still very viable, and I would suggest you take a serious look at it.

Frankly when I finished studying Corey's internet marketing system, "The Insider Secrets To Marketing Your Business On The Internet", I was overwhelmed by the huge amount of information he managed to pack into this tutorial. My package included two hefty binders with over 1,300 pages, 4 guidebooks and 3 resource CDs. But I guess I shouldn't have been surprised; after all, when the box containing these materials showed up at my door, it weighed in at over 10 pounds!

That's 10 pounds of the most comprehensive internet marketing strategies, test results, case studies, tools, and ideas for generating income online that I have ever read. In fact, the only negative here is the time I needed to study all the information packed into "Insider Secrets".

If you're unsure who Corey Rudl was, you should know that he was a recognized expert in online marketing for the last 10 years. Not only did his "Insider Secrets" generate millions for him in online sales, his sites still attract thousands of visitors a day.

His package includes step-by-step advice for starting your own internet business. It covers how to build a website for under $100.00 and where to find those hot niche products that everyone talks about. It showed me many free and cheap online tools, resources and software that I found invaluable.

Of course, getting visitors to your website is always the first priority and Corey's system showed me how to get new qualified visitors for free. He went into detail on how to get high rankings in the search engines, even Google. He also shared his secrets on writing sales copy that helped increase my sales substantially.

What's really great about Corey's "Insider Secrets" is that it can show anyone how to build a profitable internet business even if you're completely technically challenged like me.

And if you already have an internet business as I do, this excellent information will take you to the next level. The advanced sections of his system show you how Corey increased his profits dramatically.

It will take time to go through this package and really get a total grasp of all his techniques and strategies. After all, it contains two binders of lessons plus the three CD's and the four guidebooks. You may be a little confused at first but reread it again because it will all make sense.

This package is not a quick fix as I said. It will take time and patience, but it was worthwhile for me.

I feel completely comfortable giving the "Insider Secrets" system a 9 out of a possible 10! It is 1,300+ pages of step-by-step lessons containing the exact strategies Corey personally used to build a highly successful internet business. If you follow this plan like I did, you too will build a business on the internet, in a reasonable period of time.

Copyright © 2006 Mary Hanna All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Original source: Insiders Secrets to Marketing Your Business On the Internet by Corey Rudl - Reviewed.

Internet Marketing 101: Putting an Online Twist on an Offline Model

If you're just starting out in internet marketing, you probably feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information available. The learning curve is less like a hill and more like a cliff! If you've been at this business for a while, you may be frustrated that you're still not making any money, or not enough money. You may be wondering why no one is reading your ads, or why all those visitors to your site are not buying anything and not returning. Where do you start? How do you convert the casual visitor to a return customer?

Relax and breathe. None of us was born an internet marketer. We all have to start someplace. A great place to start is by looking at something you already DO know, offline business. We all shop somewhere. Pick a store you're familiar with, maybe the grocery store where you shop at least once a week. Pick a small store to focus on, not a huge supermarket. Now pretend that's just an empty lot or building, and you're an aspiring grocer. What do you need to do?

There's 3 big steps you need to take.

1) First you have to have a crystal clear picture in your mind of exactly what you want to do. What do you want to sell, and what do you want your store to look like? Spend some time dreaming, so you can see everyone who is in your store and what they are buying. Your store needs four walls, a floor, doors and windows, and a roof. You need to decide on size, the first step is to figure out what you want to sell. You think about what people in your town need and buy regularly, the availability of these products in other well established stores, and decide on your niche and your location. Maybe it's bread, canned goods, cereals, candy, ice cream, soda, milk, and cigarettes on a busy corner near a residential area with no other store in walking distance. Maybe it's a natural food store in a yuppie neighborhood. Maybe it's gas and snack foods near a highway.

2) Secondly, you have to understand what you need to have in place to make that dream come true, and how you're going to do it. What does your store need by way of infrastructure? You need shelves, freezers and refrigerated cases, a counter and a cash register. Probably you need a small office and bathroom as well. You need electricity, lighting, heat, air conditioning, desk, chair, phone, fax, maybe some music, paint, flooring, security cameras and so on.

Once you decide on the layout of the store, you will know what size of a building you need to build, buy or rent. How are you going to finance this, and how will you afford to stock your store, from savings or from a loan?

3) Assuming that you now have a fully-stocked and operational store, how will you get people to shop there? You could advertise in newspapers, radio and tv; put up signs; offer door prizes and/or sales; offer free advice and information (recipes, menus, shopping lists, health and nutrition information, diet information); sponsor events (a booksigning by a famous cookbook author, co-sponsor a food related festival); build familiarity and trust by joining social, charity or business clubs, or volunteering at local events.

Fine and good, you say, but I still don't know how to make money online. Let's take the example we just developed and convert it to online business.

Gazing Into Your Crystal Ball

1) First the concept. What do YOU want to do? What do the people that frequent the internet want? First and foremost, right behind email, people online are looking for information. There are places online you can go to research hot topics, such as Overture's Keyword Selector Tool. Here you can see how many times a word or phrase was searched in the last month. You can do a Google search for these terms to see how many websites are already available sharing that information. As you keep narrowing down your focus, balance between your passion, what other people want, and what's already available. A very small niche with very little competition with targeted promotions can become a very lucrative business.

Your Shopping List

2) Now the infrastructure, the Short List:

a) internet real estate = a website. This can be an affiliate site or your own. You can get a free website with no outside advertising here:

b) products: No matter what your interests, there's an affiliate program with products that fit; you may want to sell related ebooks, books, etc. Clickbank is a good place to find electronic information products.

c) tools: you will need a tracking system (known as a link tracker); an autoresponder; a link rotator.

d) knowledge: you will need a splash page program and/or some basic html and advertising knowledge. A free html tutorial:

e) an expense budget, no matter how small at first.

You Need More Than Two Cans and a String

3) Promotion: people enter your world (the internet) via a browser. Since "the internet" is intangible, many people confuse the vehicle (AOL or Yahoo!, for example) with the destination itself, the internet. So let's be gentle with our potential visitors and make their journey from landing pad to your neighborhood as effortless, pleasant and convenient as possible.

If they are interested in buying widgets online, they will soon realize that there are a million widget salesmen out there. So they start narrowing down their search, and they comparison shop. First and foremost, they are information gatherers. Where do they go first? Probably to a search engine. Then they start exploring. They visit a site; if it fits their needs, they may bookmark it before they move on. When they move on, they may return to their Google or Yahoo! search results, or they may follow a link off of the page they visited.

So getting yourself listed in the search engines is important. This does not require your own domain name, although it's the best route to go, but a website where you can control your page content is essential. A search engine will not list a replicated affiliate website, such as but it will gladly list Search engines want new, original information, so write something original on your website about every program you join. Link your articles, etc. to your web page, then link that page to your affiliate program.

Your own domain name, carefully chosen, will help to brand either your name or your website name, such as etc. If you get a free website with, your url will be or something like that. It might be — I forget, it's been a while since I had a site with them :) With some work, you can get a site with a url like this into the search engines. It's a great way to start if you can't afford domain name, hosting etc.

Sooner or later, your site visitor will be ready for a purchase. Maybe they will drive off to the nearest hardware store armed with all their new information and buy a widget there. If they found your site in the search engine, visited and bookmarked it, maybe they'll return and buy from you. Maybe they'll buy from the site they went to after your site. But 9 times out of 10, once they've left your site, they're gone forever.

And Now the Quiz, Purely Common Sense

How do you get them to come back? Here's a pop quiz for you, choose the best answer (it's a no-brainer):

a) offering so much valuable information, they bookmark your site and return on their own;

b) building so much trust and familiarity that, when they think of widgets, or of asking for an opinion, or for buying anything widget-like, they think of you (that's called branding your name);

c) promoting your website so much that, when they think of widgets, they automatically think of your website (that's also branding, the name of your site in this case)

d) have a mailing list they can subscribe to (this might be the online equivalent of a guest book in a store) and receive updates on information on your website;

e) have contests on your site;

f) endorse other people's sites and products, with an appropriate byline including your own url;

g) give away things;

h) hang out in places online that your potential visitors frequent (forums, bulletin boards, chat rooms, conferences, seminars) and make friends, give away free information and helpful links and tools, include your url in your signature where allowed;

i) blogging and using RSS feeds to keep people thinking of you and your widgets;

j) being a part of the search engine revolution and exploring the world of tagging, or social bookmarks (creating your own search engine with other like-minded anarchists :)

k) all of the above.

Each of these concept, infrastructure, and promotion ideas could be an article in its own right; but this is your basic outline for building your online business. The ultimate power of the internet is to level the playing field for both major corporations, little ol' you, and everyone in between. A business that fully utilizes the internet can throw away the purchased leads list, because cold calling and cold emailing is a thing of the past. Using the internet to its fullest business potential means putting your message where your potential customers can find it, and letting them come emailing, looking and calling for you.

Be sure to take advantage of the unique power of the internet, and keep the "internet" in your
internet marketing.

Original source: Internet Marketing 101: Putting an Online Twist on an Offline Model.

Increase your Adsense income

So you want to increase your Adsense income? Log into your Adsense account, and look at your last month's stats. There are three key areas that contribute to your earnings: Impressions, Clickthroughs and Effective CPM. Improving your stats in any, or preferably, all of these three key areas will increase your Adsense earnings.


Impressions are the number of times your webpages with Adsense ads have been viewed. You can increase Impressions by increasing traffic (preferably targeted traffic) to your webpages.

Some of the best ways to increase targeted traffic to your webpages include:

-create more webpages, with relevant, focused content -create more links to your webpages -list your website/s under relevant categories in more directories -set up a directory of relevant sites on your website and accept relevant reciprocal links -write relevant articles, with your site information in the 'resource box' at the end of each article, and submit them to article directories


Clickthroughs are the percentage of viewers who click on your Adsense ads. You can increase Clickthroughs by increasing the relevance of Adsense ads on your site, and by tweaking the format and placing of your ads.

Although you can't dictat which Adsense ads show on your site, you can influence the relevance of the ads by maintaining a tighrly focused website. If every page on your site focuses tightly on the site topic, its more likely that the Adsense ads will too. For example, if every page of your site is about fishing, and the word 'fishing' appears several times on every page, its likely that your Adsense ads will relate to fishing.

The best way to tweak your ad format and placement is to invest in an Adsense Tracker, and test, test, test! People who have done this tend to suggest that the best format is the large rectangle, with background and border the same color as the page behind it, so that the ad blends into the page. The best placement is towards the center or top left of the first screen of the page. Try these suggestions first, and then track and test, to be sure of what works best for your pages.

Effective CPM

Effective CPM is a measure of your average earnings, per thousand clicks. You can increase your Effective CPM by selecting topics that attract high bids from Adsense advertisers, and building pages and whole websites on higher paying topics.

Although Google doesn't release information on Adsense bids, you can get a good idea of the top paying topics by looking at information on Adwords bids, or, for that matter, bids on pay-per-click search engines like Overture. There are a number of keyword research tools available, both free and paid, that can help you find high paying topics.

The Formula

So now you have the basics of increasing your Adsense income. Its a deceptively simple formula:
-Build pages and websites on high paying topics for the best Effective CPM. -Format and place your Adsense ads for maximum Clickthroughs. -Promote your sites to drive targeted traffic to your Adsense webpages for maximum impressions.

Original source: Increase your Adsense income.

Internet Marketing Guide, Do You Have one?

Wow! Internet Marketing Guide. What an interesting concept. Internet marketing is a pretty cool business. You can work from any where if you have a lap top and an Internet connection. I am typing this article from the bar in our local pool hall. I am playing in a 2 day pool tournament.

A few weeks back I attended a 3 day Internet Marketing work shop in Orlando Florida. This was cool because I live in Colorado and the weather in Florida was a nice change. I did not just hang out being lazy in Florida. I wrote several articles on my free time and I was in work shop meetings for over 30 hours.

You Must educate Yourself if you want success.

What is an Internet Marketing Guide? It could be a detailed plan on how to market something successfully online. It could be a person who guides you in your marketing efforts like a coach or a mentor. This could even be a detailed plan that you create for yourself.

I love the business because you can literally work from anywhere. Is it really work?

I grew up farming and ranching. Work to me is spending the day with a shovel in your hand. Loading and unloading trucks can be hard work. Working cattle can be quite a chore. Sitting in front of the computer typing is not hard work to me.

Don't get me wrong. You can't expect to just throw up a website, or place a link somewhere online and expect to make massive amounts of money over night. You will need to place quality content in blog articles, post to article directories, participate in online forums, put up web pages with good content and submit a press release now and then.

You will also need to find good products or services which provide true value to people. This can be something you come up with yourself, or it could be some high converting affiliate product.

Question: When does success come before work?

Answer: In the dictionary.

When you are thinking about your next online marketing project, make sure you sit down and plan out your steps to success. Design yourself a good Internet Marketing Guide. This will bring the money in much faster than the fly by the seat of your pants wing it method.

If you are not sure how to set your guide up, start with some Google searching and find a good guide already written. A blue print to home business success.

Original source: Internet Marketing Guide, Do You Have one?.

Internet Marketing: An Essential Ingredient For Business Success

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Promoting your online business is a very important part of drawing interest in your goods and services. The more people you can attract to your site, the more potential you have to generate a higher volume of sales. Budgets for advertising and marketing online are often low. This means the business has to get creative to make the most out of what they do have.

What all internet businesses have is the potential to reach millions of individuals who use the internet. Online newsletters are a great way to generate business. Not only does it let current consumers feel that you have not forgotten them, it keeps your business fresh in their mind. These newsletters are great for potentially new customers as well. People are more likely to pursue making a purchase from an online business that appears to be stable

Sending promotional emails is often a great way to advertise. This method reaches a large volume of individuals with very little time or money invested. You will need to purchase an email list for your target market from a retailer. Make sure you are informed of the methods to use, or many of your efforts will be wasted by junk mail filters.

For online businesses who want to try something more, consider hiring an online marketing broker. These individuals are skills at setting up marketing for various types of businesses. They will also work with you to update your website design if necessary. Most online marketing brokers cost a minimal fee. However, the catch is that they will have you sign a contract that entitles them to a percentage of the revenue generated by the traffic they generate that actually makes a purchase. Since type of earnings generally means they are going to work hard to make your business succeed, and generate a nice profit for themselves.

Original source: Internet Marketing: An Essential Ingredient For Business Success.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Internet Marketing: Bring Those Profits Home!

Bringing profits of your business home – internet marketing work is one of the terms used – is not as difficult as you might think. While advertising used to be the kind of skill best left to the professionals and big advertising agencies, with the advent of the internet and the ease with which almost everyone can now access the global marketplace, for those who call business their home, internet marketing work is a quite lucrative sideline. Others have this type of business as their only business.

The proper term is affiliate. While these affiliates do not actually sell a product or organize sales rallies and presentations, they do work hard to make someone elses business successful; home internet marketing work is quite possibly the least expensive way of cashing in on the internet by any affiliate. Generally speaking, affiliates will own websites, run portals, or have editor access to large sites where they are allowed to run promotions and put ads. Some may be people who have hobbies and are running a site that deals with their hobby, These people are willing to sell products that pertain to this hobby. There are also bloggers who are open to selling a wide variety of products via affiliate links.

Many affiliate programs hosted by big companies take into consideration that to bring profits from business home, internet marketing work must be given to as many affiliates as are willing to participate! Consider for example

the power a portal holds. This kind of site is loved by the search engines since it fits the profile with respect to the search terms. At the same time, it is a wonderful way to advertise opportunities for companies willing to spend the money. Thus, if you are a business in need of advertising help, or a webmaster looking for a way to bring profits of a lucrative side business home, internet marketing work is something for you to consider.

Original source: Internet Marketing: Bring Those Profits Home!.

Internet Marketing to Double or even Quadruple you Income


If you have even a passing interest in the topic of Internet Marketing, then you should take a look at the following information. This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of Internet Marketing.

Internet Marketing: Why is it One of the Most Cost-Effective Ways to Advertise your Business

I will touch on the most popular subject when people talk about Internet Marketing. And that is Affiliate Programs.

When you think about Affiliate, what do you think of first? Which aspects of Affiliate are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

These are forms of Internet advertising that rewards the affiliates for driving traffic to the advertiser or for other transactions. The advertiser pays the affiliate to place a link on their website, and the affiliate sends traffic to the advertiser in return. Simply put, it's about paying commissions to people who help you make sales. It's that easy. NOT.

Affiliate marketing has its ups and downs. It could be draining if you are not armed with updated information and the technical how-tos. But this article's sole objective is to reach out to you and not to badmouth affiliate marketing.

Here are the following reasons on why web marketers go gaga over affiliate marketing as a form of Internet advertisement.

1. Low cost

Many are scared to go on a home based business because of the capital required. In affiliate marketing, you don't have to spend much to start raking in moolah.

2. Inventories not included

Product management fuss could be very stressing. An inventory is not asked to be maintained. The merchant does the maintenance required.

It's really a good idea to probe a little deeper into the subject of Affiliate. What you learn may give you the confidence you need to venture into new areas.

3. Unlimited income through leverage

See how much you can learn about Affiliate when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

When you have a paid job, your monthly income mainly relies on whether you go to work or not. With affiliate marketing, your affiliates could all just lead traffic to your site without having to lift a finger after providing them your ad copy and links. Though not every web marketer earns limitless, it still is a fact that all the necessary matters for the advertiser or Internet marketer are all there to be successful.

4. Go worldwide

With affiliate marketing, you are dealing with a global market place. All you have to do is choose a niche product and prepare all the necessary tools for your affiliates to lead traffic from just about anywhere to your website.

5. Low risk

The very main reason for Internet marketer's enthusiasm with affiliate marketing is its having a low risk factor. Especially for those with low budget set aside for advertising, affiliate marketing is just the way to do it.

6. No closing time

With affiliate marketing, your business works every single second of the day while targeting a worldwide market! What could be better than that?

But all of these will be put to waste if you don't have the right niche product and all the other important tools to make it big in affiliate marketing, i.e., well-SEO-ed website. So better work on this first before ever considering those benefits.

Brought to you by: Real Good Profits

The day will come when you can use something you read about here to have a beneficial impact. Then you'll be glad you took the time to learn more about Affiliate.

Original source: Internet Marketing to Double or even Quadruple you Income.

Internet Marketing: The Pay Per Play Breakthrough Technology


Pay Per Play, advertising, audio ads, PPP, NetAudioAds

Article Body:

Internet Marketing

Many people have already discovered the vast advancements and improvements that the internet brings to marketing and advertisements. The results are, simply put, astounding, benefiting companies who have used Pay Per Play advertising with billions of dollars in new advertising revenue as the market switches from television to internet.

Who Needs Pay Per Play?

Mostly, big advertisers want this. But amazingly, Pay Per Play isn't just for the big companies that bring in big revenue. The impact of advertisement and marketing on the internet has been so profound that anyone who advertises at all, whether on prime time or late night cable, can get in on and benefit from this Pay Per Play technology. In fact, business owners who are unable to advertise on television and cable can easily take advantage of this new advertising channel.

What Makes Pay Per Play Advertising Successful?

Contributing factors to the success of Pay Per Play is the escalation in social time spent on the internet. Many who used to turn to television and cable for entertainment and relaxation are now spending that time and more on the internet. Whether researching, reading a recently released novel or watching a rented movie, so many activities are now found online. This is especially true due to the amount of role playing gaming that consumes the internet market. Instead of watching other people live interesting lives on television, they are interacting in their own fantasy.

Of course, social networking has a lot to do with the subject as well. As with any social situation, even one between friends, will grow as each friend meets a new friend and introduces everyone. So essentially the amount of people that split or completely turn their entertainment time allotment over to time spent on internet just keeps growing. Anne Marie likes to post her pictures on a popular website and grandma is getting comfortable with her new laptop. Soon she'll be viewing Anne Marie's photos and posting some of her own.

This lends to the userability of internet these days. Programs and websites are so easy to understand and use that the world of online entertainment and spending isn't limited to those who understand electronics or complex data languages.

In addition, with DVRs in millions of homes, allowing people to record and playback their favorite shows when they are busy, commercials are being fast forwarded and ignored. This is an especially threatening situation to advertising and business all over the country. In fact, its estimated that 33.5 million will have DVRs in their homes by 2008 which is right around the corner.

Too many advertisements are also not entertaining and with television and cable, too many is what you get. With the right writing in combination with the right point of delivery, business can once again get positive results from their marketing. In other words, as people do more and more of their shopping online, they are now looking for advertisements and marketing information for the products they want. Imagine that – people get advertised to because they want to be. Pay Per Play advertising makes that possible.

Finally, the fact that the advertisements that Pay Per Play customers deliver are only audio and only 5 seconds long is certainly a big plus. Viewers, or listeners are usually pleased when dealing with a 5 second punch line over a 2 minute mind numbing attempt to combine acting with sales pitching.

The Positive Impacts Of Pay Per Play

With advertisement becoming a thorn in show watcher's sides, hundreds of thousands of people in the U.S. face changes in their employment stability. When commercials are ignored, they lose their efficiency, thus eliminating their use. The people who work hard to create those marketing campaigns and fun advertisements to keep their company going, face not having any work to do. Until now. Pay Per Play creates a whole new marketing field.

The Change

As the television and cable industry change with time, online marketing partners are now being paid many of the millions that marketers were for television and cable. Like any other growing company, it's up to you to become a part of it. And the amount of jobs it can create is limitless, therefore the revenue potential is limitless.

What is Pay Per Play (PPP) Advertising?

NetAudioAds or Pay Per Play (PPP) advertising is an advertising channel that works on a bid system like Google Adwords. Publishers are compensated like with AdSense only the owner of the website earns revenue on all of their traffic without clicks.

Large firms who advertise big like Del Taco are able to deliver a 5 second audio advertisement to site guests on specific sites that people who eat Del Taco also go to. The advertising is so specific that clicks aren't necessary. And it's only 5 seconds!

Though Pay Per Play is not entirely new to the world, it currently has over 66,000 marketers and advertisers and serves Pay Per Playaudio ads to over 550,000 websites. Those ads deliver over 40 million advertisement impressions monthly.

The ease of use of the product is a big plus. The sound ad doesn't take up any space or cause friction in loading time. Nor does it require any clicks. The audio ad just plays whenever a guest enters a page or site that has the Pay Per Play code embedded in it. This enables website owners to be paid by each play rather than by click, resulting in better revenue.

To avoid guests and visitors from being overwhelmed by ads, only one ad plays at a time per page. And since, as mentioned before, the ads are related to the content that is being viewed on that site, the visitor isn't listening to anything they wouldn't be interested in.

Due to the volume of websites that are using the Pay Per Click technology, NetAudioAds has teamed up with one of the 5 biggest search engines. And with 66,000 marketers and advertisers wanting more of it, all that's missing are the website owners wanting to use this Pay Per Play system.

Not convinced? Pay Per Play can capture an audience of potentially 100 million people. That's more advertising power than television and cable have ever had at one given time. So with 907 million people online every day and almost all of them having working audio systems or speakers on their computers, this is the most potential that marketing and advertising has ever had.

Compensation for Website Owners

Far more than what Google offers with their pay per click system, Pay Per Play website owners can earn 25% of the revenue per play spent by each advertiser. A great point, but even better is that you get paid per each play which means each visitor instead of each click. The visitor doesn't have to do anything in order for the website owner to benefit. This is a much needed positive change in advertisement benefits for web owners.

Using the Pay Per Play system is simple. It's just a copy and paste a into the web pages you choose to play these audio ads.

Another way for web owners to earn from Pay Per Play is to refer others to the program. For each company that begins using it, you earn an additional slice. And you can earn another slice if those you refer, refer someone else as well.

When is it All Happening?

Since NetAudioAds will be managed on an automated bid system like Google Adwords uses, advertisers will be able to choose the types of sites their ad is played on. They then bid for placement on the sites they choose.

On February 1st, 2008, bidding will begin. The more websites interested in hosting the Pay Per Play technology at that time, the better the outcome is for all parties. Like any good social network, as mentioned, the network needs to grow. The bigger it is, the more each audio ad is worth. That, in essence, puts all internet owners at the mercy of Pay Per Play advertising.

Though Pay Per Play is growing now, this bidding process in February will ensure a huge leap in the way website owners are paid for advertising. But more website owners have to get involved first.

What Else Should I know?

You should know that since this networking opportunity can exponentially grow with each referral and referral's referral, etc. it's a positive addition that information about Pay Per Play is embedded in all of its transactions.

Also know that you have the option of adding 30 second ads to specific pages on your site and that these will pay more than the 5 second ads do. A great way to eliminate this from invading visitors is to embed it in exit pages and specific pages with advertising intentions.

To continue the growth of this improvement in advertising, pass this article on to any website owners you know. Keep the social network growing and change the way that site advertising works for web owners. Plus, there is no cost to join and begin using this system. And if you don't have a website, the Pay Per Play advertising program will help you start one without cost!

Original source: Internet Marketing: The Pay Per Play Breakthrough Technology.

Internet Marketing India

Art Of Website Marketing

Link Popularity is an ongoing "Off-Page" Optimization of your website. The basic idea behind link popularity is that high quality web sites tend to have more links pointing to them then low quality sites do. The recent algorithms of the search engine crawl or spider deeper into the links present on your website to further judge their relevance and determine their rank.

Building link popularity has become a science in itself that requires great deal of analysis and tactics. The phenomena also naturally grows the user base of the website by rendering the site extremely worthwhile to visit for a wholesome information on a subject with user-friendly navigation, which in turn, further advances the ranking of the website across the search engines equally naturally.

The process may involve extending the content of the website, submitting/ purchasing/ renting links, enlisting in online directories and many more techniques. The many types of Link Building includes One Way Link Building or Theme Based Link Building, Reciprocal Link Building, 3 Way Link Exchange, FFA links through forums/ blogs and Press Releases.

FFA Links

FFA is abbreviation for "Free For All". What we are dealing with here are not the FFA pages which were popular several years ago. We are discussing about FFA links through forums here. It is a very interesting and innovative means of spreading the link of your web pages across web to qualified visitors, indulging in casual or serious discussions in those forums.

With increasing use and exposure of Internet amongst users, the concept of discussion forums and blog entries is fast catch up the attention of both the users and the companies. FFA Forums attract attention of a lot of internet users as they give them a platform as well as an opportunity to discuss their problems, seek advice as well as offer solutions/ logics to given problems, on a topic of interest. The number of forums is swelling day by day.

These forums present us an interesting tool to build external inbound links and kick SERP rank. We realize that a couple of links in a forum may be fruitless, but hundreds of such links posted in different FFA forums may do the trick! Accordingly, our dedicated team consistently engages in discussions in topics strictly related to you, comes up with shrewd comments for submission to hundreds of such forums, intelligently carrying URLs to your relevant web pages and hence contributing to Inbound Link Building.

Reciprocal Links

Reciprocal Link Building is one of the most exercised and traditional tactics of search engine optimization. It entails two way link building wherein two websites agree to link each other. Reciprocal links are also known as Link Swaps, Link Exchanges and Link Partners.
Reciprocal link building is an appealing way to invite better attention from search engines as well as funnel in traffic from each other's websites. This also ensures the nature of traffic more specific and filtered when arriving from another website of relevance. However, narrowing down to and acquiring only quality reciprocal links is the challenging part of the job that can make or break the success story of this link building strategy.

Theme Based Links Development – One Way Link Building

Inbound One-Way Theme Based Link Building is considered the best means to build popularity as it simulates the natural link building, i.e., links people create in their favourite folders because they found a link they liked in connection with their theme of search. These links are as difficult to obtain as they are important for the healthy top search engine ranking of a website. The latest algorithms of search engines have included these links as a solid criterion for ranking websites on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

These links also ensure natural growth of user base as these links enrich the content of your website rendering it more wholesome for a visitor searching on a particular theme. As a result, your website receives visits via bookmarks, links and direct type-ins at the address bar, which renders you the content and status necessary to not only be ranked exceptionally well, but also have visitors that want to visit your website irrespective of what the search engines say.

3 Way Links Development

To have a three -way – link development, we use our own domains for the benefit of our clients. 3-way link building is a means to invite more visitors to several websites through a single website. Webmasters describe this arrangement as "the real silver bullet." The arrangement is simple. For instance, an article of site A, which is your site, is linked to a similar article at site B which links back to site A's index page from site C's index, where in site C is owned/ influenced by site B only. In each link every site involved get a one-way link. And, this can be set up in any field of interest, photography, fishing, shopping, Internet or anywhere where articles would appear.

To know more in details, visit this site:

Original source: Internet Marketing India.

Internet Marketing for Professional Organizers

It is very important to put a lot of thought into marketing your professional organizer business. Even if you are a great professional organizer you will not be able to get any clients if no one knows about you and your business. Marketing is the process of getting the word out and letting others know about your professional organizer business.

Using Internet marketing to market your business is an excellent solution for professional organizers. Even if you are looking for local clients, marketing and promoting your business online is a great way to get the word out. Here are five tips to help you reach your potential organizing clients using Internet marketing:

- Create A Great Looking, Professional Web Site For Your Professional Organizer Business. Since you help your clients to organize, eliminate clutter and streamline their lives, make sure that your own web site is streamlined and easy to use.

Your professional organizer web site should have a professional look and feel and have information about you, your business, and services that you provide to your clients. There should be a way for potential clients to contact you. After all, you would like these people to get in touch with you and start working with you.

- Optimize Your Web Site for Search Engines. A great looking web site is not enough if you want to have a thriving professional organizer business. You need web site traffic. You need people visiting your web site, learning more about you and your services and contacting you for more information and to hire you.

A good way to drive more traffic to your web site is by doing search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is the process of modifying web page content and meta-information to improve the search engine ranking of the page. By optimizing your web site for search engines you can get more people looking for professional organizers in your area to your web site.

- Decide How To Monetize All Web Site Visitors. While you might be looking to work with local clients, some non-local visitors might visit your web site as well. While you cannot work with these people in person, can still monetize them by offering them phone consultations. You may also offer organizing e-books and special reports on your web site that you can sell to people who are not in your local area.

- Publish A Newsletter. Not everyone who comes to your web site will hire your immediately. Many people will need some time to make a decision about hiring you. You need to be able to keep in touch with the people who come to your web site, but are not ready to hire you yet.

Your newsletter is a great tool to keep in touch with your web site visitors, share information with them and educate them about your professional organizing products and services.

- Publish Your Articles Online. Writing and publishing articles on professional organizing topics is a great way to show off your expertise and let others know about your business. When you write and publish your articles, other web site owners pick them up and publish them on their web sites, while giving you a link back to your web site.

Use the techniques above to get more potential clients to your web site. Using online marketing is an excellent way to promote your professional organizer business.

Original source: Internet Marketing for Professional Organizers.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Internet Marketing Consultant

Wow. Internet Marketing Consultant. What a thought.

If you have been working on making some money on the Internet for any amount of time now, you probably can see the value of a consultant. The big thing you see going around now is that everyone should have a mentor.

This is a cool idea and a mentor can definitely accelerate your success, but the price tag for a good mentor is most often several thousand dollars. This leaves many people out. Several thousand dollars can be tough when you are just starting out trying to build a business.

I will not sit here and tell you that you can build a business and get rich without spending any money. If i did it would be called a misleading lie. I can tell you that finding a good Internet Marketing Consultant can save you time and money.

The only way that money is made off line or on line is through business. I don't care if you clean houses for a living. It is a business. Even if you work for someone else, say driving a trash truck, there is still a business involved.

People search for ways to make money on the Internet because they want to work for themselves or work from home. Working for yourself is cool. I know because I have worked for myself for over 20 years. This would not be possible if I had not set up my business.

To the best of my knowledge it is not free to start any type of business. Some are more expensive than others. I currently have a business in the food industry. We didn't have much money when we started. We rented a kitchen in a local tavern and had the business off the ground for around $500.00.

This business is on track to do around a million dollars this year and we are paying out around $12,000.00 per week in operating costs (over head). Believe me when I tell you that we did not have this exact business in mind when we started. We took the leap, started the business and it has evolved into something totally cool.

My recommendation to you is that if you are just getting started in your search, take the short cut and find yourself an Internet Marketing Consultant that you can trust and afford.

You can drop me a line if you need some recommendations in this area.

Original source: Internet Marketing Consultant.

Internet Marketing A Very Personal Journey

Today someone will decide there is something they can do to save their business – and do it.

Where are you – today?

The role of Internet marketing encompasses so many different discipli…


marketing,internet marketing,site promotion

Article Body:

Today someone will take their first steps toward making a fortune.

Today someone will be content to make a living.

Today someone will debut a website with inadequate focus. This 'someone' may fail.

Today someone will make the hard decision to stop conducting online business.

Today someone will decide there is something they can do to save their business – and do it.

Where are you – today?

The role of Internet marketing encompasses so many different disciplines it can intimidate many online businesses. Some business owners feel fortunate to get their online business operational. The thought of learning various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, integrating various marketing applications and the many hours that might be needed to get the word out can leave the heartiest business owner with a feeling of defeat or inadequacy.

The first step in any online business is quality research. You need to understand whom you are targeting, what their spending habits are, what they like and how your product fits within those questions.

Once you define a product and customer demographic you begin the process of letting this audience know you exist and your business site has what they need, how they need it and when they need it.

In times of desperation it is tempting to simply develop something quickly in the hopes it will result in a quick return on investment. The problem with this approach is the distinct lack of focus. This doesn't mean the business if doomed to failure, but it will require a major regrouping effort that will seek to answer the questions of target, spending habits of target and the personal preferences of target. Once these questions are answered a solid marketing strategy needs to be put in place.

When it comes to Internet business, marketing cannot be an afterthought. Internet marketing is vital to online success. There are many creative ways to develop a marketing presence, but you will need to master reputable techniques that can constantly and consistently get your message out to a global audience.

This may mean Pay per Click (PPC) advertising, but it also means effective SEO strategies for long-term assistance. You should work at web branding your online business and develop effective ways to both link building and traffic generation. You will need to make sure your site is infused with knowledge-based content and is easy to navigate.

Today someone will take their first steps toward making a fortune. Is that someone you?

Original source: Internet Marketing A Very Personal Journey.

Internet Marketing Strategies For Consumers

Article Body:

Business is the basic path where money is invested and in lieu of the invested money we have financial benefits or returns after certain period of time that is known as profit. Profit can be earned and to run the business with ease, some crucial and strategic planning has to be imposed. But often people get fall all over the place due to improper steps to run the business.

Now the revolution hits to defend and run your business in the proper and risk free manner i.e. Internet marketing. The Search Engine Optimization Management is the destination for those entrepreneurs and businessman who are in the dire state to cope up with their business strategies and planning through out Internet. Business process is such that it is meant to grow gradually or time and again.

Write and scatter the article on your product and its profile for free republication. You may distribute the free sample to the visitors as sales promotion advertisement your arm can be stretched out by publishing the new news teller part. A list can be developed to reach to the prospective subscriber with whom couple of hours can be spent to spread out about the product, service and website and blogs to gather the momentum and to build awareness during the long term period and the short term period as well. This will help you to understand the needs and problems of their side. A RSS feed is also fill the criteria. In the stipulated page start writing the conversion rate of the products that you are dealing with. Start providing the online discount-coupon through the Internet site to the customer and advertises will be done in offline as well as has a limited-time offer encourages customers to buy now rather than later (or never). This work will ensure the dragging and repeat of the visitors and subscribers to the Internet site. Inclusion of periodical i.e. daily, weekly or monthly interactive research will make the visitors website "sticker" and it can be done through the use of different of the product. Build Internet Marketing for Online Business credibility by conducting the workshop or classes and conduct a press meet and take part to conduct a contest among the subscribers and visitors.

A certain thing can be added in the Internet website to influence viral marketing by which your sales and distribution network grow. Analyze the competitor's products very sincerely you can take those draw back in to the count while marketing your own product. Try to be associated or involved in the partnership with the other website and create a co-branded product & service and let both the business grow.

You should implement to your greatest ability. Then, persist. Improve upon and tweak implementation of each marketing program until it works for you. Here lays the policy that work for you and the things will fall in their order to Directory Submission Service . New implementations have to be made to upgrade the customer support and satisfaction by opening up the merchant or third party processor account that will ensure the ability to take the payment online and make bold move in the customer's mind about the reliability. You should move your primary call-to-action "above the fold" and test different page positions. This thing will help you to interact with the visitors and subscriber.

Never fall away to draft a press meet or conference, as it will give the introductory ideas of you product or service to the people and professionals. You must not omit that page which will draw the first impression and last one too.

Original source: Internet Marketing Strategies For Consumers.